Saturday June 1, 2013
LanguageArticle title
EnglishRenewable Energy
EnglishThermal Conversion Factor Source Documentation
EnglishEnergy Overview
EnglishNatural Gas
EnglishCrude Oil and Natural Gas Resource Development
EnglishEnergy Consumption by Sector
EnglishSustainable weed management in direct seeded rice culture: A review
EnglishLaser-Guided Rockets, at Long Last!
English'Blue Water' Navy Vets Deserve Agent Orange Help, VFW Says
EnglishMolecular Characterization of the Circulating Strains of Vibrio cholerae during 2010 Cholera Outbreak in Nigeria
EnglishGI Film Festival Features Korea
EnglishSix Classic Albums
TurkishAgir gastrointestinal sistem kanamasi siklofosfamidle tedavi edilen Henoch- Schönlein purpurali iki çocuk olgu/Two pediatric Henoch-Schönlein purpura cases whose severe gastrointestinal hemorrhage treated by cyclophosphamide
TurkishPrimer epiploik apandisit: Klinik ve radyolojik görüntüleme bulgulari/Primary epiploic appendagitis: Clinic and radiologic imaging findings
TurkishMaras dövme dondurma ustalarinda üst ekstremite birikimli travma rahatsizliklari/Upper extremity cumulative trauma disorders in the makers of Maras pounded ice cream
EnglishStan Kenton Live - East Coast Encores
EnglishGenotype environment interaction by AMMI and GGE biplot analysis in three consecutive generations of wheat (Triticum aestivum) under normal and drought stress conditions
EnglishInvestors Worried about Protections from Private Pool Solicitations
EnglishAnalysis of petal pH and metal ions to investigate the mechanism of colour development in Gerbera hybrid
EnglishAttack Helicopter Weapons
EnglishThe Public Health Problem-Solving Model
EnglishEpidemiological approach to the atrial fibrillation patients/Atriyal fibrilasyon hastalarina epidemiyolojik yaklasim
EnglishGuide to Positive Behavioral Student Support
EnglishBirth Of A Band
EnglishLeaders and Brand New Endings
EnglishTransport Aircraft Self-Protection
EnglishThe Impact of Two Purified Forms of Bordetella Pertussis CyaA on Oxidative Burst
TurkishBasagrisi ve kusma ile basvuran lateral sinus trombozu olgusu/Lateral sinus thrombosis patient presenting with headache and vomiting
EnglishThe High Priestess of Popular Song
EnglishLaparoscopic cholecystectomy technique in a patient with situs inversus totalis/Situs inversus totalis olgusunda laparoskopik kolesistektomi teknigi
EnglishScreening of Iranian safflower genotypes under water deficit and normal conditions using tolerance indices
TurkishBireysel sporlarla ugrasan yildizlar kategorisindeki sporcularin solunum fonksiyonlarinin karsilastirilmasi/Comparison of respiratory functions of athletes engaged in different individual sports branches
EnglishResponse of some important Iranian wheat cultivars to Fusarium culmorum under genetic diversity of indigenous bio-control agent fluorescent Pseudomonas spp.
EnglishPost-War Vet Costs Never-Ending
EnglishRole of carotid body for neuronal protection in experimental subarachnoid haemorrhage/Deneysel subaraknoid kanamada karotid cismin nöron korumasindaki rolü
TurkishIzole travmatik serratus anterior paralizisinde endobutton sistemi ile skapulotorasik tespit yöntemi/Scapulothoracic fusion with endobutton system for an isolated traumatic serratus anterior paralysis
EnglishGIs Return to Moroland 90 Years Later
EnglishRelative Frequency of Seasonal Influenza A and B in Khuzestan Province by Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) During 2009-2010
EnglishThe Real Gone Jazz Label
EnglishMobile ABM Systems to Protect Downrange Forces
EnglishSpecial VFW Tribute to Korean War Vets Available on Selected Newsstands
TurkishPatent duktus arteriozusun perkütan yolla kapatilmasi: Üçüncü basamak bir merkezin deneyimi/Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus: Experience of a tertiary referral center
EnglishThe Magic Of Two
EnglishAn Excellent Observation App
TurkishNadir bir anomali: Çift sag koroner arter/A rare anomaly: Double right coronary artery
EnglishDesign and evaluation a pendulum device to study postharvest mechanical damage in fruits: bruise modeling of red delicious apple
EnglishReadjustment Services Inadequate, Says Study
EnglishPlanning for an Economic Storm
EnglishIdentifying Factors Associated with Maternal Deaths in Jharkhand, India: A Verbal Autopsy Study
EnglishComfort Dogs Aid Healing in Newtown
EnglishLore v. Law for School Psychologists
EnglishFive Classic Albums Plus Bonus Tracks
TurkishAilevi Akdeniz Atesi ve Crohn hastaligi birlikteligi/Association of Familial Mediterranean Fever and Crohn's disease
EnglishKorean War Veterans Owed Public Acclaim
EnglishPrevalence and Correlates of Prenatal Vitamin A Deficiency in Rural Sidama, Southern Ethiopia
EnglishEvaluation of Academic Detailing Programme on Childhood Diarrhoea Management by Primary Healthcare Providers in Banke District of Nepal
EnglishComparison the Sensitivity of Stomach Mucus Touching Cytology and Urease Rapid Test in Helicobacter Pylori Diagnosis in Endoscopies Patients with Gastritis or Peptic Ulcer
EnglishSupporting Children Facing the Deployment of a Parent
EnglishIn vitro induction and proliferation of adventitious roots in pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) cultivars of smooth cayenne and morris
TurkishParaoksonaz enzim aktivitesi ölçümünde manuel yöntemin standardizasyonu ve performans degerlendirmesi/Standardization and performance evaluation of manual measurement method for paraoxonase activity
EnglishCoaching for Success
EnglishMycorrhizal symbiosis to increase the grain micronutrient content in maize
EnglishWonderful! Wonderful!
EnglishPerformance and challenges of biofuel cropping systems in Kenyan smallholder farming systems: A case study on castor (Ricinus communis L.), jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) and croton (Croton megalocarpus L.)
EnglishMixed Message: America Jazz Stories
EnglishBut Beautiful
EnglishThe Prevalence of Active Tuberculosis Among Patients With Fibrotic Lesion in Chest CT-Scan
EnglishNew Derivatives Worry for Corporate Finance Execs
EnglishFt. Hood Victims Denied Purple Hearts
EnglishRidin' High
EnglishHot Club of San Francisco Live @ Yoshi's San Francisco
EnglishFactors affecting mortality in patients with multitrauma which were treated in intensive care unit/Yogun bakim biriminde izlenen çoklu travma hastalarinda mortaliteye etki eden faktörler
TurkishKarsinoid sendroma eslik eden fokal segmental glomerüloskleroz: Nadir bir olgu/The coexistence of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis with carcinoid syndrome: A case report
EnglishHelicobacter pylori Infection: Regulatory T Cells and Their Participation in the Immune Response
EnglishCongress 101
TurkishÇesitli kronik karaciger hastaligi vakalarinda T lenfosit subtiplerinin dagilimi/The distribution of T lymphocyte subtypes in cases with different chronic liver disease

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