Tuesday October 1, 2013
LanguageArticle title
EnglishLes perceptions du personnel des services de garde en milieu scolaire défavorisé dans le cadre d'un projet d'éveil à la lecture et à l'écriture auprès d'élèves de maternelle
EnglishLe groupe comme élément clé dans le processus de co-construction de la problématique lors d'une recherche-action en milieu scolaire
EnglishTeacher Education Policy in Canada: Beyond Professionalization and Deregulation
EnglishAppropriately Diverse? The Ontario Science and Technology Curriculum Tested Against the Banks Model
EnglishThe Homework Trap: How to Save the Sanity of Parents, Students & Teachers
EnglishTeaching to Diversity: The Three-Block Model of Universal Design for Learning
EnglishSituating Ethics in Games Education
EnglishThe Method of SharedConcern: A Positive Approach to Bullying in Schools
EnglishThe Media's Influence on Female Relational Aggression and Its Implications for Schools
EnglishL'évolution du champ de l'adaptation scolaire au Québec : politiques, savoir légitimes et enjeux actuels
EnglishLe projet professionnel des jeunes hommes inscrits en formation générale ou dans une formation professionnelle du secteur de la construction : le rôle médiateur de l'estime de soi, du sentiment de contrôle et de la détresse psychologique
English"The way it works" doesn't: Theatre of the Oppressed as Critical Pedagogy and Counternarrative
EnglishDas Lob der Schöpfung: Die Entwicklung ägyptischer Sonnenund Schöpfungshymnen nach dem Neuen Reich
EnglishBaal, Son of Dagan: In Search of Baal's Double Paternity
EnglishPromoting integrity in the workplace: A priority for all academic health professionals
EnglishReading Akkadian Prayers and Hymns
EnglishReferrals to hospital emergency departments from residential aged care facilities: Stuck in a time warp
EnglishEDITORIAL: An overview of data-based papers on undergraduate nurse education recently published in Contemporary Nurse: Progress, challenges and the need for a strategic agenda
EnglishEDITORIAL: Social media and the new e-professionalism
EnglishPassages: Relationships between Tamil and Sanskrit
EnglishTexts from the Late Old Babylonian Period
English'Diabetes is nothing': The experience of older Singaporean women living and coping with type 2 diabetes
EnglishSocial and demographic determinants for breastfeeding in a rural, suburban and city area of South East China
EnglishThe provision of health and social care services for older people by respite providers
EnglishOn Recent Cuneiform Editions of Hittite Fragments (II)
EnglishPratyabhijña and Philology
English"Blessed are the cheese makers" Reflections on the Transmission of Knowledge in Islam
EnglishScope of practice for Australian enrolled nurses: Evolution and practice issues
EnglishLiteracy in the Persianate World: Writing and the Social Order
EnglishOPINION PIECE: Honouring the wishes of a dying patient: From intensive care to home with palliative care
EnglishThe Legendary Biographies of Tamerlane: Islam and Heroic Apocrypha in Central Asia
EnglishDetermination of the use of complementary and alternative medicine by women in the climacteric period in the Turkish city of Samsun
EnglishA Grammar of the Bedouin Dialects of Central and Southern Sinai
EnglishAn investigation of a symptom cluster in Chinese patients with lung cancer receiving radiotherapy1
EnglishHomosexuality in Islam: Critical Reflection on Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims
EnglishNurses' perceptions of parent empowerment in chronic illness
EnglishImages of Muhammad: Narratives of the Prophet in Islam across the Centuries
EnglishKanbando kara nagameta Kittan Joshin ... [Khitan and Jurchen as seen from the Korean Peninsula]
EnglishEffectiveness of clinical teaching associate model in nursing education: Results from a developing country
EnglishOrations of the Fatimid Caliphs: Festival Sermons of the Ismaili Imams
EnglishResidents' perceptions and experiences of social interaction and participation in leisure activities in residential aged care
EnglishGuardians of Islam: Religious Authority and Muslim Communities of Late Medieval Spain
EnglishChoosing and remaining in nursing: Iranian male nurses' perspectives
EnglishRethinking Ghosts in World Religions
EnglishStaff response time to call lights and unit-acquired pressure ulcer rates in adult in-patient acute care units
EnglishThe Life of Muhammad: Al-Waqidis Kitab al-Maghazi
FrenchDrei Totenpapyri aus einer thebanischen Werkstatt der Spätzeit (pBerlin P. 3158, pBerlin P. 3159, pAberdeen ABDUA 84023)
EnglishBetween Preservation and Recreation: Tamil Traditions of Commentary
EnglishA History of Ancient Egypt: From the First Farmers to the Great Pyramid
English"Al-Ghazali of al-Andalus": Ibn Barrajan, Mahdism, and the Emergence of Learned Sufism on the Iberian Peninsula
English"Kill them all!" Some Remarks on the Annihilation of the Ya'ilanum Tribe (1781 B.C.E.)
EnglishLe culte d'Osiris au 1er millénaire av. J.-C.: Découverts et travaux récents
EnglishLuwian and Hittite Studies Presented to J. David Hawkins on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday
EnglishWord Order in the Biblical Hebrew Final Clause
EnglishDie Wandmalereien aus Tell Misrife/Qatna im Kontext überregionaler Kommunikation
EnglishPenthesilea a wish to die
EnglishChronic Time under Crisis Capitalism
EnglishThe Magic Cave of Allegory: Lars von Trier's Melancholia
EnglishUncommon Sense: Dictatorship, Transition, and Dissensus in Carmen Martín Gaite's El cuarto de atrás
EnglishEngineering Performance: Lev Kuleshov, Soviet Reflexology, and Labor Efficiency Studies
EnglishBeyond Here Lies Nothing
EnglishImperfecting the Illusion: Belief and the Aesthetic Destruction of Reality
EnglishHistoricism, Nihilism, and the Chilean Neo-Avant-Garde
EnglishSuch Stuff as Dreams: The Psychology of Fiction
EnglishDevelopmental Nonsense in the Alice Tales
EnglishA Biocultural Approach to Literary Theory and Interpretation
EnglishWhat the Brain Sciences Might Tell Us About Our Making of and Engaging with Strange Fictions
EnglishHenry James in Mid-Career: "Georgina's Reasons" and the Possibilities of Style
EnglishNarrative Beginnings: Theories and Practices/Narrative Middles: Navigating the Nineteenth-Century British Novel
EnglishWhen "Surge" Signifies Rapid Increases of American Combatants Sent to Foreign Warfare: Classical Enargeia for Contemporary Metaphor
EnglishThe Human Species and the Good Gripping Dreams of H.G. Wells
EnglishHenry James Goes to Paris/Henry James and the Second Empire
EnglishSmooth Structures: Narrative Form as Ethical Contact in Willa Cather's Death Comes for the Archbishop
EnglishWhere Do Conventions Come from? Constraints or Plasticity of the Human Brain Follow-up Note
EnglishIn a Dark Time: Coetzee's Disgrace
EnglishEzra Pound and the Politics of Noh Film
EnglishOrpheus, Unseen: Lucrece's Cancellation Fantasy
EnglishBefore Orientalism: Asian Peoples and Cultures in European Travel Writing 1245-1510
EnglishThe Poetic Voices of John Gower: Politics and Personae in the Confessio Amantis
EnglishThe Eye-ball and the Butterfly: Beauty and the Individual Soul in Emerson and Hawthorne
EnglishOn the Words of the Wake (And What to Do with Them)

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