Wednesday January 1, 2014
LanguageArticle title
EnglishImpaling the Monocultural Windshield: Multicultural Education in All Things Curricular
EnglishVictory and Defeat: World War I, the Harlem Hellfighters, and a Lost Battle for Civil Rights
EnglishA Review of Supported Employment Services for People with Disabilities: Competitive Employment, Earnings, and Service Costs
EnglishMénière's and the Promise of a Cure
EnglishCareer Development, Employment and Disability in Rehabilitation: From Theory to Practice
EnglishQuality of life in end stage renal disease: A concept analysis
FrenchVers une synthèse de la conception et une définition des zones dans le gradient urbain-rural
EnglishThe Arts of Contemplative Care: Pioneering Voices in Buddhist Chaplaincy and Pastoral Work
FrenchReprésentation du couvert forestier dans la modélisation hydrologique : comparaison de dix modèles (synthèse bibliographique)
EnglishDefining Ménière's Disease
EnglishEarly Hair Cell Gene
EnglishCultivating Charisma: Ikeda Daisaku's Self Presentations and Transformational Leadership
EnglishWhat Will It Take to Seal the Deal?
FrenchConcepts d'efficience et de productivité de l'eau (synthèse bibliographique)
EnglishA Forgotten African American Mathematician: Charles T. Gidiney of Troy, New York
EnglishSchool-to-Work Barriers as Identified by Special Educators, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors, and Community Rehabilitation Professionals
EnglishA Sense of Structure
EnglishPersistence and Graduation of College Students Seeking Disability Support Services
EnglishThe GAMMA® nursing measure: Its development and testing for nursing utility
EnglishThe Sounds of Music
EnglishTurning Pixels Into Pictures
EnglishBuilding a Healthy Black Harlem: Health Politics in Harlem, New York, from the Jazz Age to the Great Depression
FrenchSynthèse bibliographique de l'influence du procédé d'extraction et de purification sur les caractéristiques et les propriétés d'une gomme de caroube
EnglishSoil science and agricultural development in Rwanda: state of the art. A review
EnglishFrom Buddhist Hippies to Buddhist Geeks: The Emergence of Buddhist Postmodernism?
EnglishA Boxer Says His Ménière's Is Beaten
English"They Aren't Going to Listen to Anything But Violence": African Americans and the 1967 Buffalo Riot
FrenchApport du traitement d'images dans le suivi de l'influence des teneurs en nutriments sur la croissance des lentilles d'eau (Lemna minor)
EnglishQuestions to Ask When Getting Hearing Aids for the First Time
FrenchImpact du séchage sur la viabilité de Pseudomonas fluorescens (synthèse bibliographique)
EnglishMusicians Making Melodies
EnglishNo Pain, No Gain? Going to the gym should not mean risking your hearing
EnglishImpacts of earthworms on soil components and dynamics. A review
EnglishA Growing Market
EnglishThe Les Paul Ambassadors
EnglishPerson-Centered Planning for Transition-Aged Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders
EnglishHierarchization of factors driving soil macrofauna in North Algeria groves
FrenchAnalyse du système de production et de distribution des semences de maïs (Zea mays L.) au Sud-Bénin
EnglishA Grand Passion
EnglishMoonfixer: The Basketball Journey of Earl Lloyd
FrenchCaractérisation des phénomènes d'auto-floculation, de biofloculation et de co-floculation des microalgues dans un chenal algal à haut rendement (synthèse bibliographique)
EnglishBulk segregant analysis and marker-trait association reveal common AFLP markers for resistance to septoria leaf blotch in Tunisian old durum wheat
EnglishIsolation of an amylolytic chrysophyte, Poterioochromonas sp., from the digestive tract of the termite Reticulitermes santonensis
EnglishThe Legendary Les Paul
EnglishSensitivity Analysis of Fatigue Crack Growth Model for API Steels in Gaseous Hydrogen
EnglishWWVB: A Half Century of Delivering Accurate Frequency and Time by Radio
EnglishAre Bragg Peaks Gaussian?
EnglishThe Dissemination of Mass in the United States: Results and Implications of Recent BIPM Calibrations of US National Prototype Kilograms
EnglishAfter Thatcher: still trying to piece it all together
EnglishReel Iraq
EnglishSelfishness in austerity times
EnglishThe relational society: a response to Michael Rustin
EnglishSchool Closures in Rural Finnish Communities
EnglishThe new moralism: austerity, silencing and debt morality
EnglishA growing discontent: class and generation under neoliberalism
EnglishEffects of gravity: German coalition politics and the 2013 elections
EnglishIn memory of Stuart Hall
EnglishYouth rebellion and social mobilisation in Sweden
EnglishAfter the Euro, the Avra
EnglishAfter neoliberalism: the need for a gender revolution
EnglishLife after work
EnglishFuture options for the NHS
EnglishThree poems
TurkishTaniniz nedir?/What is your diagnosis
EnglishInitial white blood cell kinetics for assessment of individual response to the conditioning regimen in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients
TurkishSolar lentigoda yogun atimli isik (Intense Pulse Light) tedavisinin etkinligi: Retrospektif çalisma/Effectiveness of Intense Pulsed Light treatment in solar lentigo: a retrospective study
French"La famille est une horrible blague": familles en crise dans les romans d'Elisa Brune
TurkishPerioküler kutanöz laysmanyazis: pitozis gelismis iki olgu sunumu/Presentation of two cases with periocular cutaneous leishmaniasis leading to ptosis
TurkishImatinib ile indüklenen eritrodermi olgusu/A case of imatinib-induced erythrodermia
EnglishLower Cretaceous (Hauterivian-Albian) ammonite biostratigraphy in the Maestrat Basin (E Spain)
SpanishDidáctica de las enseñanzas artísticas impartidas en las Facultades de Educación y Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación: la webquest como estrategia metodológica construccionista/Didactics of art education taught in the Faculties of Education|Information Technologies and Communication: the webquest as a constructionist methodological strategy
EnglishEffects of Patients and Hospital Characteristics on Myocardial Infarction Mortality: Health Disparity Outcomes
EnglishChild maltreatment and associated factors among children with ADHD: a comparative study
EnglishSuccessful noninvasive mechanical ventilation in a child on prolonged and life-threatening invasive mechanical ventilation after Fontan operation
SpanishTemporalidades críticas: el caso de Douglas Gordon/Critical Temporalities: The Case of Douglas Gordon
EnglishPalaeoenvironmental analysis of the Aragonian (middle Miocene) mammalian faunas from the Madrid Basin based on body-size structure
EnglishCongenital epulis: from birth to childhood
EnglishSauropod trackways of the Iberian Peninsula: palaeoetological and palaeoenvironmental implications
FrenchÉmile Leclercq l'insurgé
FrenchMieux vaut en rire qu'en pleurer: Spirou à la rescousse du plat pays
TurkishEpidermal ve dermal benin deri lezyonlarinda ablatif fraksiyonel Er: Yag (Erbium: Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet) lazer tedavisinin etkinligi: Retrospektif çalisma/Efficiency of ablative fractional Er: YAG (Erbium: Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet) laser in the treatment of benign epidermal and dermal skin lesions: A retrospective study
SpanishCreatividad y desarrollo cognitivo en personas mayores/Creativity and cognitive development in older people

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