Sunday June 1, 2014
LanguageArticle title
EnglishAuthenticating Digital Evidence from the Cloud
TurkishBilateral elastofibroma dorsi olgusu/A case of bilateral elastofibroma dorsi
EnglishThe Terror Courts: Rough Justice at Guantanamo Bay1
TurkishHipertansif hastalarda N- amino terminal prohormon beyin natriüretik peptid düzeyleri ile iliskili faktörler/Factors associated with the levels of N- amino terminal prohormone brain natriuretic peptid in hypertensive population
EnglishIntensity of HLA-A2 Expression Significantly Decreased in Occult Hepatitis B Infection
TurkishBöbrek tasi olan çocuklarda kullanilan perkütan nefrolitotomi enstrümanlarinin kalibrasyonlari/The calibration of the percutaneous nephrolithotomy instruments used in pediatric patients with renal stones
TurkishSerum 25(OH) D vitamini düzeyinin hemogram parametreleri üzerine etkisi/The effect of serum 25(OH) vitamin D on hemogram parameters
EnglishImmunofluorescence Assay and PCR Analysis of Cryptosporidium Oocysts and Species From Human Feacal Specimens
EnglishEvaluation of Gastric Lesions Based on Helicobacter pylori and Helicobacter-Like Organisms (HLOs) in Cats; A Histopathological and Bacteriological Study
EnglishThe First Macrolide-Resistant Bordetella pertussis Strains Isolated From Iranian Patients
EnglishEvaluation of an Iranian Home Helicobacter pylori Stool Antigen ELISA Kit
TurkishKifoskolyotik bir hastada akut apandisit operasyonu için genel anestezi uygulamasi/General anesthesia for acute appendicitis operation in a patient with kyphoscoliosis
EnglishTrying Cases to Win in One Volume1
TurkishAort patolojilerinin endovasküler tedavisinde anestezi yönetimi/Anesthetic management in endovascular treatment of aortic pathologies
EnglishOptimization of L-Tryptophan Biosynthesis From L-Serine of Processed Iranian Beet and Cane Molasses and Indole by Induced Escherichia coli ATCC 11303 Cells
EnglishIsolation, Identification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Tatumella ptyseos Strains Isolated From Powdered Infant Formula Milk Consumed in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: First Report From Iran
EnglishSurvival Rates of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Tuberculosis Co-Infected Patients
EnglishIn Vitro Study of Potentially Probiotic lactic Acid Bacteria Strains Isolated From Traditional Dairy Products
EnglishMapping Mountain Front Recharge Areas in Arid Watersheds Based on a Digital Elevation Model and Land Cover Types
TurkishBorik asit uygulamasinin siçan böbrek ve testis dokusunda olusturdugu hasara karsi Omega-3 yag asitlerinin koruyucu etkisinin histopatolojik olarak incelenmesi/Histopathologic investigation of the protective effects of omega-3 fatty acids against boric acid-induced injury in kidney and testis tissue
TurkishVan depreminin su-kaynakli bazi bulasici hastaliklar üzerine etkisi/Impact of Van earthquake on some water-borne infectious diseases
TurkishNadir bir olgu: Raine Sendromu/A rare case: Raine Syndrome
TurkishOsteogenesis imperfektali yetiskin hastada zoledronik asit tedavisi: Bir olgu ve literatür derlemesi/Zoledronic acid treatment in an adult patient with Osteogenesis Imperfecta: A case report and review of the literature
TurkishDyke-Davidoff-Masson sendromu (serebral hemiatrofi): Radyolojik bulgular/Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome (cerebral hemiatrophy): Radiological findings
EnglishAnalysis of Virulence Genes Among Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Strains
TurkishGeç klinik prezentasyonlu Takayasu arteriti olgusu/A case with late clinical presentation of Takayasu's arteritis
EnglishThe Cytotoxic Effect of Cecropin A and Cecropin B on the MDA-MB-231 and M14K Tumour Cell Lines
TurkishNadir görülen bir leiyomyom vakasi: Retroperitoneal leiyomyom/A rare case of leiomyoma: Retroperitoneal leiomyoma
EnglishNeurophysiological Monitoring of the Spinal Sensory and Motor Pathways during Embolization of Spinal Arteriovenous Malformations - Propofol: A Safe Alternative
EnglishChildhood Leukemia Not Linked with ELF Magnetic Fields
EnglishInterferon-Gamma and Interlukin-4 Patterns in BALB/c Mice Suffering From Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Treated With Cantharidin
EnglishA Primer: Army Conference Approval and Funding
TurkishEklem içi distal radius kiriklarinin volar kilitli plakla tedavi sonuçlari/The outcomes of volar locking plating for intraarticular distal radius fractures
EnglishThe effect of steroid injection by Novel method in carpal tunnel syndrome on pain severity and electrophysiological findings/Karpal tünel sendromunda Novel metoduyla yapilan steroid enjeksiyonunun agri siddeti ve elektrofizyolojik bulgular üzerine etkisi
EnglishEndobutton technique for the treatment of acute acromioclavicular joint dislocations/Akut akromioklaviküler eklem çikiklarinda endobutton ile tesbit yöntemi
TurkishHipertiroidizm ile tiroid kanseri birlikteligi/Coexistence of hyperthyroidism and thyroid cancer
TurkishAile hekimligine basvuran kadinlarin sezaryen bilgi düzeyleri: Iki merkezli kesitsel bir çalisma/The standard of knowledge for cesarean section in women who applied to family medicine: Two centered cross-sectional study
TurkishSiradisi bir pnömoni nedeni olarak venöz port kateteri dislokasyonu/Venous port catheter dislocation as an unusual cause of pneumonia
TurkishAnorektal malformasyonlu olgularda klinik deneyimimiz: 115 olgunun analizi/Our clinical experience on anorectal malformations: Analysis of 115 cases
TurkishOrdu ilinde bagirsak parazitleri sikligi/Pervalence of intestinal parasites in Ordu province
EnglishAssessment of Mechanical Properties of Muscles from Multi-Parametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging
EnglishCharacterization and Transferring of Human Rotavirus Double-Layered Particles in MA104 Cells
EnglishThe Contribution of EEG to the Diagnosis of Dementia
TurkishIzole okülomotor sinir paralizisi ile prezente olan bir pituiter apopleksi olgusu: Olgu sunumu ve literatür derlemesi/A case with pituitary apoplexy presenting with isolated oculomotor nerve palsy: Case report and literature review
EnglishOseltamivir use for viral pneumonia in newborns/Yenidoganlarda viral pnömonide oseltamivir kullanimi
EnglishSurgical management of clear cell sarcoma of the kidney with tumor thrombus in the inferior vena cava and lung metastasis/Pulmoner metastaz yapmis ve inferior vena kavada tümör trombüsü olan renal clear hücreli sarkomun cerrahi yönetimi
English[Beta]-D-Glucan Assay in Diagnosis and Monitoring the Systemic Candidiasis in a Rat Model
EnglishTotal antioxidant and oxidant status in obese children without insulin resistance/Insülin direnci olmayan obez çocuklarda total antioksidan ve oksidanlarin durumu
TurkishRotator manset yirtigi tamirinde mini açik yaklasimla tek-sira sütür-ankor tekniginin klinik ve radyolojik sonuçlari/Clinical and radiological outcomes of rotator cuff repair by single-row suture-anchor technique with mini-open approach
EnglishCLE News
TurkishKonjenital orofasiyal yariklar: Etyolojisi ve sikligi/Congenital orofacial clefts: Etiology and Frequency
TurkishGebelerde Toxoplasma gondii, rubella ve sitomegalovirüs seroprevalansi/Seroprevalance of Toxoplasma gondii, rubella and cytomegalovirus among pregnant women
TurkishKonjenital böbrek ve üriner kanal anomalisi bulunan çocuklarin klinik ve demografik özellikleri/Clinical and demographic characteristics of children with congenital anomaly of kidney and urinary tract
EnglishPrevalence of Quinolone Resistance Among Extended-Spectrum [Beta] -Lactamase Producing Uropathogenic Klebsiella pneumoniae
TurkishPlantar fasiitli hastalarda ekstrakorporeal sok dalga tedavisinin etkinligi ve epin boyu ile iliskisi/Effeciency of extracorporeal shock wave therapy in patients with plantar fasciitis and the relationship with subcalcaneal spur length
EnglishInfected Hydatid Cysts Bacteria in Slaughtered Livestock and Their Effects on Protoscoleces Degeneration
EnglishAn endoscopic cadaveric study: Accessory maxillary ostia/Endoskopik kadavra çalismasi: Aksesuar maksiller ostium
TurkishInfraauriküler rekürren dermatofibrosarkoma protuberans'in cerrahi eksizyonu ve bilobe flep ile rekonstrüksiyonu/Surgical removal of infraauriculer recurrent dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans and reconstruction with bilobed flap
EnglishFrom Advanced Course to Career Course to Advanced Course (Again) to Graduate Course: A Short History of Advanced Military Legal Education in the Corps
TurkishWarfarin doz asimina bagli olusan kanamalar/Bleedings caused by warfarin overdose
TurkishSeptoplasti operasyonlarinda preoperatif ve postoperatif anksiyetenin postoperatif agri ve analjezik ihtiyacina etkisi/The effects of preoperative and postoperative anxiety on postoperative pain and analgesic consumption in septoplasty
EnglishToxoplasma gondii in Cattle, Camels and Sheep in Isfahan and Chaharmahal va Bakhtiary Provinces, Iran
TurkishKaracigerde kitle olusturan paraziter etkenlerin tanisindaki serolojik sonuçlarin retrospektif incelenmesi/Retrospective investigation of serological finding in diagnosis of parasite agents caused mass in liver
EnglishStaphylococcus aureus Typing by Digestion of Protein A Coding Gene Using Bsp143I
EnglishIsolation, Characterization and Selection of Avermectin-Producing Streptomyces avermitilis Strains From Soil Samples
TurkishMatür yag dokulari içeren tiroid lezyonlarinin retrospektif analizi/A retrospective analysis of thyroid lesions containing mature adipose tissue
EnglishCurrent Materials of Interest
TurkishPrematür ejakülasyon tedavisinde güncel farmakolojik ajanlar/Current pharmacological agents for the treatment of premature ejaculation
EnglishIdentification and characterization of gastrointestinal hormone immunoreactive cells in the skin and parotoids of Chinese toad Bufo gargarizans
SpanishExtracción de recursos naturales en contextos de abundancia y escasez: Un análisis experimental sobre infracciones a cuotas en áreas de manejo y explotación de recursos bentónicos en el centro-sur de Chile*/Extraction of natural resources in contexts of abundance and scarcity: An experimental analysis on non-compliance with quotas in management and exploitation areas of benthic resources in central-southern Chile
EnglishThinly traded securities and risk management[dagger]/Activos con baja frecuencia de transacciones y manejo de riesgo
TurkishKornea donörlerinin epidemiyolojik özellikleri ve donör kornea muayene bulgularinin donör kornea kalitesi üzerindeki etkileri/The effects of epidemiological characteristics of cornea donors and donor corneal evaluation parameters on quality of donor cornea
EnglishTreacher Collins Syndrome
EnglishThe presence and clinical implications of [Alpha]-2,6-galactose-linked sialic acids in non-small-cell lung cancer brain metastases - preliminary study
EnglishA Study of Impairment of Lung Functions in Adult Sweepers
EnglishMorphological and immunohistological characteristics of follicular-compact thyroid carcinoma in dog
EnglishGNAS1 mutation analysis in gastrointestinal tumors
EnglishVarious Remedies for Recurrent Aphthous Ulcer-A Review
EnglishTopical Glucocorticoids - A Review
EnglishTeaching Methodologies on Anatomy- A Review
EnglishEffect of L-thyroxine treatment on peripheral blood dendritic cell subpopulations in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis
EnglishMacrophage profile in primary versus secondary liver tumors
EnglishExpression of ENaC, SGK1 and Nedd4 isoforms in the cochlea of guinea pig
EnglishConsequences of financial reporting quality on corporate performance. Evidence at the international level*/Consecuencias de la calidad de la información financiera en el rendimiento financiero. Evidencia para el ámbito internacional
EnglishImmunohistochemical visualization of pro-inflammatory cytokines and enzymes in ovarian tumors
EnglishThe glycomic profile of invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast is altered in patients with hypoxic regions: implications for tumor behavior
EnglishDeterminants of equity pension plan flows*/Determinantes de los flujos monetarios en los planes de pensiones
EnglishEpidermal differentiation complex (locus 1q21) gene expression in head and neck cancer and normal mucosa
EnglishThe Right Bit for the Right Target
EnglishEstablishing isolated microspore culture to produce doubled haploid plants in Brazilian wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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