Monday September 1, 2014
LanguageArticle title
EnglishWood Shop
EnglishReady for Rio
EnglishDoll Face
EnglishFruit Salad
EnglishMore than Just Stuff
EnglishTimberland Joins the CrowdRise
EnglishSuper Power
EnglishCountry Living
EnglishPerfect FitHub
EnglishGDS Gets a Makeover
EnglishBug's Life
EnglishLet's Get Physical
SpanishEstudio crítico de la representación del estado de la pobreza en la televisión/A critical study of the representation of poverty on TV
EnglishWhen Will We Really Have a System of National Parks?
EnglishClimate Change Adaptation in the Great Barrier Reef Iconic National Park System
EnglishMaking the Transition to the Third Era of Natural Resources Management
EnglishEcotourism in the Galapagos: Management of a Dynamic Emergent System
EnglishViewing an Iconic Animal in an Iconic National Park: Bears and People in Yellowstone
EnglishExamining Threats to Iconic National Parks through Modeling Global Change, Biocomplexity, and Human Dynamics
EnglishIconic Parks as Environmental Arks
EnglishA Conceptual Framework for Studying Global Change, Tourism, and the Sustainability of Iconic National Parks
EnglishThe Antiquities Act and How Theodore Roosevelt Shaped It
EnglishGlobal Change and Human Impact Challenges in Managing Iconic National Parks
EnglishSociopolitical Change and Interpretation Emphasis in Kruger National Park, South Africa
EnglishPracticing Self-Care for Nurses: A Nursing Program Initiative
EnglishThe Value of Library and Information Services in Nursing and Patient Care
EnglishCochrane Review Brief: Chinese Herbal Medicine for Endometriosis
EnglishInformatics: International Classification of Diseases-10: Implications for Nursing
EnglishCochrane Review Brief: Exit Interviews to Reduce Turnover Amongst Healthcare Professionals
EnglishOverview and Summary: Healthy Nurses: Perspectives on Caring for Ourselves
EnglishInformatics: The Standardized Nursing Terminologies: A National Survey of Nurses' Experience and Attitudes-SURVEY II: Participants' Perception of the Helpfulness of Standardized Nursing Terminologies in Clinical Care
EnglishCochrane Review Brief: Nurse Versus Physician-Led Care for the Management of Asthma
EnglishEffective Interpersonal Communication: A Practical Guide to Improve Your Life
EnglishHealthy Eating for Healthy Nurses: Nutrition Basics to Promote Health for Nurses and Patients
EnglishFactors Related to Healthy Diet and Physical Activity in Hospital-Based Clinical Nurses
EnglishSocial Media and Nurses: Insights for Promoting Health for Individual and Professional Use
EnglishDesigning Exercise and Nutrition Programs to Promote Normal Weight Maintenance for Nurses
EnglishImplementation of a Participant-Centered Weight Management Program for Older Nurses: A Feasibility Study
EnglishGraduate Clinical Nurse Preceptors: Implications for Improved Intra-Professional Collaboration
EnglishLegislative: Responding to the Fatal Opioid Overdose Epidemic: A Call to Nurses
EnglishCochrane Review Brief: Ergonomic design and training for preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limb and neck in adults
SpanishArte efímero y celebraciones del calendario litúrgico en la Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina): La puesta en escena de altares domésticos en las fiestas de San Santiago y Santa Ana/Ephemeral art and celebrations in the liturgical calendar in Quebrada de Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina): The mise-en-scene of domestic altars in San Santiago and Santa Ana's celebrations
SpanishUn archivo sin metáfora. Experimentación autobiográfica y editorial en la literatura argentina reciente: Cuqui, Kiki y Charlotte Von Mess/Archive without a metaphor. Autobiographical and publishing experiment in recent argentine literature: Cuqui, Kiki and Charlotte Von Mess
EnglishThe influence of Theosophy on Mondrian's neoplastic work/La influencia de la teosofía sobre la obra neoplástica de Mondrian
SpanishLa escultura pública en el municipio vizcaíno de Leioa/Public Sculpture in the Biscay Town of Leioa
SpanishComprensión, competencia y logro en la educación artística escolar/Understanding, competence and achievement in the school-based art education

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