Monday December 1, 2014
LanguageArticle title
EnglishPLAYING Healthy STAYING Healthy: Hearing Preservation In Musicians
TurkishGuillain-Barre sendromunda klinik ve demografik özellikler/Clinical and demographic characteristics of Guillain-Barre syndrome
EnglishThe NDTA-USTRANSCOM Fall Meeting
Englishkeep calm and carry on
TurkishNadir görülen bir olguda zor havayolu yönetimi: Singnati/Difficult airway management of a rare case: Syngnathia
EnglishAnn Schein: Pupil, Performer, Teacher
EnglishNight Vision Goggles
EnglishComparison of hair and nail ethyl glucuronide concentrations/Saç ve tirnakta etil glukuronid konsantrasyonlarinin karsilastirilmasi
EnglishMultirole Monocular Intensifiers
EnglishThe Light Stuff
EnglishSurveillance Binoculars and Scopes
Englishhospitals' Ebola preparation costs can vary widely
TurkishVan depremi sonrasi görülen dermatozlarin multidisipliner degerlendirilmesi/The multidisciplinary evaluation of dermatosis seen after Van earthquake
EnglishPLAYING Healthy STAYING Healthy: Hearing Conservation In Music Requires New Testing Standards
EnglishTime for Cyber War Laws?
EnglishI've Got Rhythm...
TurkishSuriye'deki iç savasta damar cerrahisi deneyimlerimiz/Our vascular surgery experiences in Syrian civil war
EnglishRachmaninoff's Complete Songs: A Companion with Texts and Translations
EnglishNew Poll On Music Education
EnglishEasy Going, On the Lighter Side/Rhythm & Moods, Easy Pieces for Beginners and Advanced Players
Englishreconfiguring your delivery network
TurkishMesanenin nadir görülen kanserleri: Olgu serisi ve literatürün gözden geçirilmesi/Rare malignancies of the bladder: Case series and review of the literature
EnglishClinical characteristics of the patients presented with supraventricular tachycardia in southeast Anatolian region of Turkey/Güneydogu Anadolu Bölgesinde supraventriküler tasikardi ile basvuran hastalarin klinik özellikleri
TurkishAtesli silahla olusmus dalak ve diyafram yaralanmasi olgusunda planlanmis geç laparoskopi/A planned delayed laparoscopy in a gunshot injury case with spleen and diaphragmatic damage
Englishhealth care's new economic game: defining quality
EnglishSoon Up: Embraer's KC-390
EnglishFile an ASAP Today!
EnglishNational Association News
English15 minutes with ... LAURA HEIKES
EnglishLevels Of Translation
EnglishCLE News
Englishstate inpatient data provide a clear national perspective on average charge per admission and other measures
EnglishJog Your Memory
TurkishSigara kullanicilarda nikotin bagimlilik düzeyinin yas ve cinsiyetle iliskisi: Diyarbakir örneklemi/The relationship between nicotine dependence level and age-gender among the smokers: Diyarbakir sample
EnglishMedicaid: Midterms to Move Expansion in Conservative Direction
EnglishClip-on Thermal Sights
EnglishPrayerful Preludes
TurkishGuillain-Barre sendromunda prognostik faktörler/Prognostic factors in Guillain-Barre syndrome
EnglishCloud Security: Services, Risks, and a Case Study on Amazon Cloud Services
EnglishGetting Chip Ready
EnglishLighting Up the Night for Infantrymen!
Englishscholarly activity as a strategic asset in an era of reform
EnglishWomen Composers' Album: Twenty Pieces for Organ from the 17th-20th Centuries
EnglishCurrent Materials of Interest
EnglishPayment Changes: GOP Senate to Target Healthcare Reform Repeals
EnglishInternational Young Artists Project Summer Program
EnglishTwin Tubes
EnglishNew World Symphony Creates Digital Initiative
EnglishMusic Programs Enhance Brain Function
Englishtop 4 sources of savings in support services
EnglishLawyering in the Empire of the Shah-"The Rest of the Story"1
TurkishPerkütan mitral balon valvüloplasti kisa dönem takip sonuçlari: Tek merkez deneyimi/Short-term follow-up results of percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty: A single-center experience
EnglishThe Complete Scale Compendium for Clarinet
TurkishMetabolik olarak saglikli ve sagliksiz obez hastalarda ürik asit seviyeleri/Uric acid levels in metabolically healthy and unhealthy obese patients
EnglishHello Carl, What Else?
TurkishLaparoskopik radikal nefrektomi deneyimlerimiz/Our laparoscopic radical nephrectomy experiences
EnglishRandom Access: What Can The iPad Phenomenon Tell Us About The Way We Teach?
EnglishBuilding A Team
EnglishMulti-role Thermal Monoculars
EnglishDesign of the Nonlinear Pin Rubber Forming Equipment Integrating the Functions of Extruding, Dewatering, Drying & Expanding
Englishwhy patient loyalty matters-and how to enhance it
TurkishCinsel saldiri sonrasi adli tip bölümüne basvuran olgularin beden ve ruh sagliklarinin degerlendirilmesi/Evaluation of physical and mental health of sexual assault cases applied to forensic medicine department
EnglishThe Maritime Surveillance Swiss-knife
EnglishManaging an Installation's Utilization of a Civilian Confinement Facility: A Primer
EnglishSolos for the Sanctuary: Gospel-8 piano solos for the church pianist
English100 Country Lessons: Featuring Detailed Instruction, Playing Examples, Tips, and More on a Huge variety of Country Keyboard Topics
EnglisheBook Music Lesson Library
TurkishSezaryen sonrasi pulmoner tromboemboli: Olgu sunumu/Pulmonary thromboembolism after caesarean section: A case report
TurkishGebelikte akut kolesistit: 21 hastanin retrospektif degerlendirilmesi/Acute cholecystitis in pregnancy: Retrospective evaluation of 21 patients
EnglishLanding of the Wave: Hallyu in Peru and Brazil*
EnglishDe l'éthique à l'ergothérapie : la philosophie au service de la pratique ergothérapique
EnglishStudy of clinical profile of acute respiratory distress syndrome and acute lung injury in Plasmodium vivax malaria
EnglishUsefulness of Sd30 in the diagnosis of arthritis of filarial origin
EnglishSpatial epidemiology of American cutaneous leishmaniasis in a municipality of west São Paulo State, Brazil
EnglishHow Climate Change Might Save the World*
EnglishTwice-Migrant Chinese and Indians in the United States: Their Origins and Attachment to Their Original Homeland
EnglishWelfare States' Policy Response to New Social Risk: Sequence Analysis for Welfare Policy*
EnglishFraming Climate Change as an Economic Opportunity in South Korean Newspapers
EnglishField evaluation of phostoxin and zinc phosphide for the control of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in a hyperendemic area, central Iran
EnglishAdvocating for Grade-Based Acceleration
EnglishEco-virological survey of Aedes mosquito larvae in selected dengue outbreak areas in Malaysia
EnglishIdentification of risk factors for malaria control by focused interventions in Ranchi district, Jharkhand, India
EnglishLarvicidal activity of the leaf extracts of Spondias mombin Linn. (Anacardiaceae) from various solvents against malarial, dengue and filarial vector mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae)
EnglishAnother Cosmopolitanism: A Critical Reconstruction of the Neo-Confucian Conception of Tianxiaweigong (...) in the Age of Global Risks*
EnglishTeaching social skills to people with autism: Best practices in individualizing interventions
EnglishOccupational Performance Coaching for stroke survivors: A pilot randomized controlled trial protocol/Protocole pilote d'un essai clinique randomisé sur l'Occupational performance coaching for stroke survivors (OPC-Stroke)

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