Friday January 1, 2010
LanguageArticle title
English6. Ägyptologische Tempeltagung: Funktion und Gebrauch altägyptischer Tempelräume
EnglishImages of Others: Iconic Politics in Ancient Israel
EnglishServant of the Revolution: The Creative Art of Serving History and the Imagination
EnglishMuslim Legal Thought in Modern Indonesia
EnglishMost Beauty Products Today Contain Synthetic Chemicals
EnglishStatin Drugs Produce Unintentional Harmful Results
EnglishWandering Womb
EnglishThe History of the Buddha's Relic Shrine
EnglishPapyrology and the History of Early Islamic Egypt
EnglishCold Hand of Smile
SpanishImagen y Ritual: Alfonso X y la creación de imágenes en la Edad Media1
EnglishThe Muslims of Medieval Italy
EnglishWas Alice in Wonderland a Migraine Figment of Lewis Carroll's Imagination?
EnglishEnzymes in Fungi May Help to Reduce Drug Interactions with Grapefruit Juice
EnglishWet with fear
EnglishThe Babe is Wise
Englishgirls with stars in their eyes
SpanishTradición e innovación: el ciclo de la Matanza de los Inocentes en el Románico hispano
EnglishBrain Chemicals Behave Differently in Cocaine Addicts
EnglishGod's Wife, God's Servant: The God's Wife of Amun (c. 740-525 BC)
SpanishRecuperando el pasado. Algunas notas sobre las primeras portadas teofánicas del románico castellano-leonés (acerca del relieve conservado en Rhode Island)
EnglishEarly Consumption of Soda Indicates Unhealthful Diet
EnglishAntipsychotic Drugs Can Cause Pneumonia In the Elderly
EnglishFood Prices Lower Than Ever
EnglishNeurotoxins Found in Seafood
EnglishA Sailor's Wish
EnglishZarathustra entre l'Inde et l'Iran: Études indo-iraniennes et indo-européennes offertes à Jean Kellens à l'occasion de son 65e anniversaire
EnglishA Clearer Understanding Of Enzymes
EnglishBreast-feeding and Cognitive Development In Children
EnglishIs There a Link Between Hospital Infections and Autism?
EnglishDebates on Women's Status as Judges and Witnesses in Post-Formative Islamic Law
EnglishEveryday Life and Consumer Culture in Eighteenth-Century Damascus
EnglishThe Paradox of Absent Mothers: Women Who Are both Mothers and Public Figures or Activists
EnglishAn Assortment of Headache Types
EnglishNatural Antiviral Enzyme Helps Keep Cancer Cells Alive
SpanishConsideraciones sobre la iconografía y simbolismos del retablo relicario del Monasterio de Piedra
EnglishNote on A. Staël-Holstein's "Double Publication"
EnglishDefective Enzyme May Induce Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis
EnglishPesticides and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
SpanishLa reinterpretación de la herencia artística bajomedieval: el caso de las Vírgenes abrideras trinitarias impulsadas por la Orden Teutónica
SpanishImágenes de la Virgen María
EnglishEncyclopaedia Islamica, vol. 1: A-Abu Hanifa
EnglishScientists Find New, Inexpensive Way to Predict Alzheimer's Disease
SpanishLos reproches de Natán: Origen, variación y expansión de un tema iconográfico del Antiguo Testamento
SpanishTransmisión del Saber - Transmisión del Poder La imagen de Alfonso X en la Estoria de España, Ms. Y-I-2, RBME
EnglishIn Search of the True Political Position of the 'Ulama: An Analysis of the Aims and Perspectives of the Chronicles of Abd al-Rahman al-Jabarti (1753-1825)
EnglishEnvisioning Eternal Empire: Chinese Political Thought of the Warring States Era
EnglishVolkstümliche Astronomie im islamischen Mittelalter: Zur Bestimmung der Gebetszeiten und der Qibla bei al-Asbahi, Ibn Rahiq und al-Farisi
EnglishA Bowl of Chillies
EnglishEnzymes and Diet
EnglishEnzyme Fights Mutated Protein In Inherited Parkinson's Disease
EnglishWading the Seagrass
EnglishIgnoring Stress Leads to More Cravings for Recovering Addicts
EnglishAre There Homosexuals in Mesopotamian Literature?
EnglishSubtle Thyroid Problem Triples the Risk of Placental Separation
SpanishLos monstruos antropomorfos de origen antiguo en la Edad Media. Persistencias, mutaciones y recreaciones
EnglishPlastics, Chemicals, and Heart Disease: Is There a Link?
Englishbelieving again
EnglishGreen Garden Hose
English"And brought in the offerings and the tithes and the dedicated things faithfully" (2 Chron. 31:12): On the Meaning and Function of the Late Iron Age Judahite "Incised Handle Cooking Pots"
EnglishAgeing Now
EnglishHomage to Eveline
EnglishNew Products of Interest
EnglishSwings & Slides
EnglishABC Chinese-English Comprehensive Dictionary
SpanishLa representación del ave fénix como imagen de la Renovatio de la Roma altomedieval
EnglishSimple Blood Test Predicts Obesity
SpanishRivista di diritto dell'integrazione e unificazione del diritto in Europa e in America Latina
SpanishEl mito de la cruzada de Franco
SpanishGran ópera, ficción y antropología en el mayor río del mundo
SpanishLos medios propios de los clubes de fútbol españoles. De la revista oficial a los canales de TDT/Spanish football clubs own media. From the official magazine to the DTT channels
SpanishNuevos entornos, nuevas demandas, nuevos periodistas/New environments, new demands, new journalists
SpanishLa Historia del Derecho y la Historiografía jurídica alemana del siglo XX/The History of Law and the German Juridical Historiography in the 20th Century
SpanishLes Constitutions de la France de la Révolution à la IVe République
SpanishCultura y derechos después de Culture and Rights1/Culture and Rights after Culture and Rights
SpanishIndia. Democracia y violencia religiosa
SpanishEl perdón de Franco. La represión de las mujeres en el Madrid de la posguerra
SpanishDictaduras contra la información: cómo el atentado contra el Papa se convierte en una protesta contra la agencia EFE/Dictatorships against information. How the assassination attempt against the Pope became a protest against EFE Agency
EnglishUnit Safety
SpanishIconografía de la idea de España en los manuales escolares durante la transición a la democracia (1976-1983)/The representation of Spain in textbooks during transition to democracy (1976-1983)
EnglishA Hmong Birth and Authoritative Knowledge: A Case study of choice, control, and the reproductive consequences of refugee status in American childbirth
SpanishDecretos del concilio tercero provincial mexicano (1585)
SpanishLOS SECRETOS DEL ARSINTES BAJO EL PRISMA DE LA TEORÍA EMERGENTE DE LOS DATOS/The arsintes's secrets under the prism of the Data Merge Theory
SpanishIndustria de los periódicos: nuevos modelos económicos y nuevos soportes1/The Press Industry: new economic models and new plattforms

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