Friday April 1, 2011
LanguageArticle title
English"Dream Is Destiny": Waking Life and the Digital Aesthetics of the In-between
EnglishIntroduction to the Meaning of "Life"
EnglishLife in Excess: Insurrection and Expenditure in Antonin Artaud's Theater of Cruelty
EnglishGiving Voice to the Child
EnglishBotulinum Toxin - a promising new treatment for overactive bladder
RomanianValidarea în limba româna a chestionarului O'Leary-Sant - scorul durerii si al tulburarilor mictionale în sindromul vezicii dureroase/cistita interstitiala
EnglishCorellations between histologic subtype, tumor stage(T), nuclear grade (G) and tumor necrosis in renal cell carcinoma (a retrospective study)
EnglishA Life of Matter and Death: Inorganic Life in Worringer, Deleuze, and Guattari
RomanianTumora renala bilaterala operata seriat complicata cu anurie obstructiva litiazica imediata - prezentare de caz -
EnglishAffect in the Age of Neoliberalism
RomanianGeometria fractala si aplicatiile acesteia în medicina
RomanianTratamentul adjuvant instilational cu chimioterapic si BCG în tumorile vezicale non-invazive
EnglishCalculating Risk: Barebacking, the Queer Male Subject, and the De/formation of Identity Politics
EnglishTumorile de vezicula seminala. Discutii pe marginea unui caz
EnglishThe development of a Microcomputer-Based Laboratory (MBL) system for gas pressure law experiment via open source software
EnglishSelf Regulatory Behaviour and Minimally Invasive (MIE) Education: A Case study in the Indian Context
EnglishICT in universities of the Western Himalayan Region in India: Performance analysis
EnglishAn Early-Stage ICT Maturity Model derived from Ethiopian education institutions
EnglishThe need for ICT education for managers or agri-businessmen for increasing farm income: Study of factor influences on computer adoption in East Java farm agribusiness
EnglishStudy of satisfaction and usability of the Internet on student's performance
EnglishLiveUSB Mediated Education (LUME)
EnglishVideo as a tool for agricultural extension in Africa: a case study from Ghana
EnglishAssessment of technology integration in vocational education and training schools
EnglishReview of Mega-Schools, Technology and Teachers
EnglishEditorial: Editorial: Evaluation of ICT in education for development
EnglishA Cholesterol and Actinide Dependent Shadow Biosphere of Archaea and Viroids in Chronic Renal Failure
EnglishDistributed Denial of Service Attack Principles and Defense Mechanisms
EnglishNational Society of Allied Health 2010 Annual Conference Abstracts
EnglishThe Actinidic Archaea Related Lemurian Syndrome-Endomyocardial Fibrosis, Chronic Calcific Pancreatitis and Multinodular Goitre-Evolutionary Significance and Evidence for the Lemurian Supercontinent
EnglishNutrients and Energy Intake of Black Adults with Sickle Cell Disease
EnglishA Cholesterol and Actinide Dependent Shadow Biosphere of Archaea and Viroids in Autoimmune Diseases
EnglishOptimization of Curing Process for Carbon Fiberpreparation from WoodPhenol Liquefaction Product
EnglishImpact of a Manual Skills Program on Preclinical Performance of Dental Hygiene Students: A Collaborative Project
EnglishAn Actinide Dependent Shadow Biosphere of Archaea and Viroids in Neuropsychiatric Disorders
EnglishActinide Dependent Shadow Biosphere of Archaea and Viroids and Hemispheric Dominance
EnglishPharmaceutical Management of Chronic Heart Failure as Evidenced by Clinical Trials
EnglishThe Error Caused by Relativity in GPS Positioning System
EnglishA Cholesterol and Actinide Dependent Shadow Biosphere of Archaea and Viroids Indicating Cholesterol Based Abiogenesis- Evolution of the Biological Universe
EnglishDoes the Use of Orthotics Prevent Tibial Stress Fractures in Marching Activities?: A Review of the Literature
EnglishActinidic Archaea and Viroids Related Hepato-Gastrointestinal Syndrome
EnglishA Cholesterol and Actinide Dependent Shadow Biosphere of Archaea and Viroids in Neurodevelopmental Disorders
EnglishSpatial Structure of Road Infrastructure in Ekiti State, Nigeria: Options for Transformation
EnglishArchaeal Digoxin and Creation of Cellular Plasma State - Molecular/Cellular Electromagnetic Signal Transduction
EnglishA Cholesterol and Actinide Dependent Shadow Biosphere of Archaea and Viroids in Neurodegenerative Disorders
EnglishA Cholesterol and Actinide Dependent Shadow Biosphere of Archaea and Viroids in Metabolic Syndrome X
EnglishA Cholesterol and Actinide Dependent Shadow Biosphere of Archaea And Viroids in Neoplastic Disorders
EnglishA Cholesterol and Actinide Dependent Shadow Biosphere of Archaea And Viroids in Pulmonary Diseases
EnglishA Cholesterol and Actinide Dependent Shadow Biosphere of Archaea and Viroids
EnglishCultural Competence in Physical Therapy Education: Student Perceptions on the Effectiveness of Cultural Competence Education Methodology
EnglishOptimization of Resinification of Liquefied Products from Trash Antiseptic Wood
EnglishOptimum Research of Hot-Pressing Technology of the Composite Board with Waste Wood and Paper
EnglishThe Application of Bayesian Model Averaging in Macroeconomy
EnglishInformation in the Structure of the Universe
EnglishOverweight Black Adults with Homozygous Sickle Cell Disease
EnglishStrengthening Mechanical Properties of Glulam with Basalt Fiber
EnglishA Cholesterol and Actinide Dependent Shadow Biosphere of Archaea and Viroids in Retroviral and Prion Disease
EnglishRole of Sucralfate in Promoting Healing of Post Band Variceal Ulcer
EnglishProposal for a New Press Readership Measurement Method
EnglishChildren and Promoting a Healthy Diet: A Study on the Effectiveness of Using Threats in Advertising
EnglishTaking Account of Time in Marketing Construct Validation: Theoretical and Methodological Problems
EnglishPerceived Congruence and Incongruence: Toward a Clarification of the Concept, its Formation and Measure
EnglishContexts for The Secret Agent, with a Letter from R. B. Cunninghame Graham to H. B. Samuels
EnglishCannibalism and the Greely Arctic Expedition: A New Source for "Falk"
EnglishConrad's Early Fiction and the Æsthetic of Dehumanization
EnglishThe Conrads in Brittany: Some Biographical Notes
EnglishThe Trope of the Book in the Jungle: Colonial and Postcolonial Avatars
EnglishTwo Unpublished Conrad Letters: 1920 and 1921
English"Twin Antitypes": Conrad's Secret Sharers and Turgenev's "Hamlet and Don Quixote"
EnglishConrad: The First German Translations
EnglishMaking Us See: Lord Jim and the Visual Imagination
EnglishA Bibliography of Books, Pamphlets, and Broadsides about Joseph Conrad - Part 1: 1910-1979

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