Friday April 1, 2011
LanguageArticle title
EnglishNovel Adaptive QoS Provisioning in Heterogeneous Wireless Environment
EnglishA Cost-Based Approach for Analysing the Overheads of Multicast Protocols in Non-Strictly Hierarchical Networks
EnglishThroughput Parameter Optimization of Adaptive ARQ/HARQ Scheme
EnglishApplying Cluster Merging and Dynamic Routing Mechanisms to Extend the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks
EnglishModeling and Analysis of Collision Avoidance MAC Protocol in Multi-Hop Wireless Ad-Hoc Network
EnglishLink Aware Earliest Deadline Scheduling Algorithm for WiMAX
EnglishWireless Network Behavior under ICMP Ping Flood DoS Attack and Mitigation Techniques
EnglishA Fuzzy-based Routing Strategy for Multihop Cognitive Radio Networks
EnglishImproving Reliability of Jamming Attack Detection in Ad hoc Networks
EnglishComparison of IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15.4 for Future Green Multichannel Multi-radio Wireless Sensor Networks
EnglishA New Protocol for Detecting Black Hole Nodes in Ad Hoc Networks
EnglishSurveying Mobile Television
EnglishKicking up Dust: Growth as an Irrational Market Response
EnglishPrice-Cap Regulation and the Incentive to Cooperate in Research
EnglishChief Executive Background Charactertics and Environmental Scanning Emphasis:: An Empirical Invesfigation
EnglishThe Unique Nature of Chinese Corporate Governance Practices
EnglishHardin Craig Prize
EnglishCreating the Circum-Caribbean Imaginary: DuBose Heyward's and Paul Robeson's Revision of The Emperor Jones
EnglishWilla Cather and the Burden of Southern History
EnglishQueer Antiracism and the Forgotten Fiction of Murrell Edmunds, a Southern "Revolutionary"
EnglishAfterword: New Studies
EnglishRace and White Identity in Southern Fiction: From Faulkner to Morrison
EnglishIntroduction: The New Southern Studies and the New Modernist Studies
EnglishThe Foreigner in Yoknapatawpha: Rethinking Race in Faulkner's "Global South"
EnglishFaulkner's Literary Historiography: Color, Photography, and the Accessible Past
EnglishPeripatetic Modernism, or, Joe Christmas's Father
EnglishAmerican Cinema and the Southern Imaginary
EnglishThe Poetics of Labor in Jean Rhys's Global Modernism
EnglishEchoes of the Past: The Buddhist Cave Temples of Xiangtangshan
EnglishWorkplace learning: A continuing concern in nurse education
EnglishAre we failing to prepare nurses in the UK and Australia to practice by the codes of conduct?
EnglishStudying the Ancient Israelites: A Guide to Sources and Methods
EnglishUnd das Leben ist siegreich!: Mandäische und samaritanische Literatur
EnglishDoctorates and nurses
EnglishPower and Patronage tn Medieval Syria: The Architecture and Urban Works of Tankiz al-Nasiri
EnglishThe Secret Garland: Antal's Tiruppavai and Nacciyar Tirumoli
EnglishThe Jewish Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Challa
EnglishCalendars and Years: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient Near East
EnglishUndergraduate midwifery students' first experiences with stillbirth and neonatal death
EnglishSelected Papers in Ethiosemitic and Neo-Aramaic Linguistics
EnglishRetention of Indigenous nursing students in New Zealand: A cross-sectional survey
EnglishThe Graeco-Roman Trade Fair and the Rabbis
EnglishCircumstantial Qualifiers in Semitic: The Case of Arabic and Hebrew
EnglishFactors impacting on career progression for nurse executives
EnglishTranslating Religion: Linguistic Analysis of Judeo-Arabic Sacred Texts from Egypt
EnglishFactors associated with learning outcome of BSN in a blended learning environment
EnglishThe Qadis of Fustat-Misr under the Tulunids and the Ikhshidids: The Judiciary and Egyptian Autonomy
EnglishThe Final Word: The Caitanya Caritamrta and the Grammar of Religious Tradition
EnglishSteps towards empowerment: An examination of colleges, health services and universities
EnglishUsing an interdisciplinary partnership to develop nursing students' information literacy skills: An evaluation
EnglishThe Neo-Mandaic Dialect of Khorramshahr
EnglishThe Development of Arabic as a Written Language
EnglishPortraits of the Feminine in Sumerian Literature
EnglishMaimonides in His World: Portrait of a Mediterranean Thinker
EnglishThe Arts of Intimacy: Christians, Jews, and Muslims In the Making of Castilian Culture
EnglishThe transition experience of Enrolled Nurses to a Bachelor of Nursing at an Australian university
EnglishLatino-Punic Epigraphy
EnglishThe Authorship and Significance of the Nujum al-ulum: A Sixteenth-Century Astrological Encyclopedia from Bijapur
EnglishDeveloping the health workforce: What constitutes clinical education?
EnglishPreparing health professionals for community-based practice: Some issues for consideration
EnglishOrigins of Verisimilitude: A Reconsideration of Medieval Chinese Literary History
EnglishBurden versus benefit: Continuing nurse academics' experiences of working with sessional teachers
EnglishKnowledge and positions on bioethical dilemmas in a sample of Spanish nursing students: A questionnaire study
EnglishThe Pots and Potters of Assyria: Technology and Organisation of Production, Ceramic Sequence and Vessel Function at Late Bronze Age Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria
EnglishEvaluating an academic writing program for nursing students who have English as a second language
EnglishAn Anthology of Qur'anic Commentaries, vol. 1: On the Nature of the Divine
EnglishRumors of Wisdom: Job 28 as Poetry
EnglishLinguistic diversity as sociodemographic predictor of nursing program progression and completion
EnglishEvaluation of a critical care simulation series for undergraduate nursing students
EnglishManthanabhairavatantram Kumarikakhandah: The Section Concerning the Virgin Goddess of the Tantra of the Churning Bhairava
EnglishEnhancing preparation of undergraduate students for practice in older adult settings
EnglishMature age students access, entry and success in nurse education: An action research study
EnglishDetermining frameworks for interprofessional education and core competencies through collaborative consultancy: The CARE experience
EnglishSource, Exegesis, and Translation: Sanskrit Commentary and Regional Language Translation in South Asia
EnglishAutochthonous Texts in the Arabic Dialect of the Jews of Tiberias
EnglishLegitimation code theory: A new lens through which to view our academic practice
EnglishThe Islamic Manuscript Tradition: Ten Centuries of Book Arts in Indiana University Collections
EnglishWeiser und Wesir: Studien zu Vorkommen, Rolle und Wesen des Gottes Thot am ägyptischen Totenbuch
English"Off the Straight Path": Illicit Sex, Law, and Community in Ottoman Aleppo
EnglishConcerns among first year midwifery students: Towards addressing attrition rates
EnglishIranian and Anatolian Cognates to Greek (k)sún
EnglishPractical advice to support mid-career doctoral students in nursing: Some considerations for academic supervisors
EnglishJudaism: The First Phase: The Place of Ezra and Nehemiah in the Origins of Judaism
RomanianAbordul laparoscopic pentru testicule nepalpabile: aspecte tehnice si rezultate
EnglishMemoirs of a Geisha: The Material Poesis of Temporality
RomanianRolul IRM în evaluarea si managementul extensiei venoase în carcinomul renal cu celule clare1
RomanianTratamentul stenozelor si al fistulelor ureterale la pacientul transplantat renal1
RomanianFactori de prognostic în tumorile maligne renale ale adultului
EnglishThe Postracial Imagination: Gattaca's Imperfect Science

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