Tuesday May 1, 2012
LanguageArticle title
EnglishSpray Pyrolysed Nanostructured ZnO Thin Film Sensors for Ethanol Gas
EnglishLife Review: Connecting Undergraduate Nursing Students with Older Adults
EnglishPMMA (Polymethyl Methacrylate) Fibre Optic Probe for Sensing Acceleration
EnglishCommercial real estate: Cause for optimism?
EnglishThe Fast 14 Project
EnglishAdvancing Our Nation's Health: Caring for Our Aging Population
EnglishAge-specific differences in settlement rates of saddlebacks (Philesturnus carunculatus) reintroduced to a fenced mainland sanctuary
EnglishMarksmanLMP Users Can Now Pull Credit
EnglishDesign of Optoelectronic System Using Multi Wavelength Illuminator for the Analysis of Sodium Ion in Blood Serum
EnglishAre introduced birds unimportant mutualists? A case study of frugivory in European blackbirds (Turdus merula)
EnglishPlatinum Data Solutions adds qualitative scoring to RealView collateral review platform
EnglishGlobal Service-Learning in Nursing
EnglishResearch in Nanothermometry. Part 2: Methodical Error Problem of Contact Thermometry
EnglishHow QM/QRM Rules Could Unnecessarily-and Unintentionally-Disqualify Good Homebuyers
EnglishThe End of Extend and Pretend
EnglishApplications of Electronic Nose Based on MOX and QMB Sensors
EnglishBuilding a KILLER DATABASE
EnglishDEVELOPING POSITIVE ATTITUDES Toward Geriatric Nursing Among Millennials and Generation Xers
EnglishNuclear Energy
EnglishAssessment of microbranding as an alternative marking technique for long-term identification of New Zealand lizards
EnglishLPS HPI updated to better reflect non-distressed market
EnglishAre introduced takahe populations on offshore islands at carrying capacity? Implications for genetic management
EnglishLearning from Japan's Ordeal
EnglishCredit unions' mortgage share moves past 6.5 percent
EnglishBetter Pricing Begins with the Loan Officer
EnglishHEALTHY AGER: An Interprofessional, Service-Learning, Town-and-Gown Partnership
EnglishNatural Gas
EnglishQUALITY CARE for Older Adults: The NLN Advancing Care Excellence for Seniors (ACES) Project
EnglishInternational Petroleum
EnglishTraining Update
EnglishRenewable Energy
EnglishMaking the Journey a Destination
EnglishPhoenix tops list of projected strongest housing markets in coming year
EnglishWhere These Drivers Went Wrong
EnglishLessons from Many Teachers
EnglishFenced sanctuaries need critical evaluation: a reply to Innes et al. (2012)
EnglishHUD bars AmericaHomeKey from future FHA lending
EnglishGerontological Nursing Content in General Medical/Surgical Textbooks: WHERE IS IT?
EnglishTransforming Nursing Education: The NLN Education Competencies Model
EnglishShadow inventory hovering at six-month supply
EnglishRole of predator-proof fences in restoring New Zealand's biodiversity: a response to Scofield et al. (2011)
EnglishCommunication Product Updates
EnglishCalyx Software introduces LoanScoreCard
EnglishCharacterising alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides; Amaranthaceae) invasion at a northern New Zealand lake
EnglishSensitivity of GIS patterns to data resolution: a case study of forest fragmentation in New Zealand
EnglishEngaging Students in Clinical Reasoning When Caring for Older Adults
EnglishA unified approach to conservation prioritisation, reporting and information gathering in New Zealand
EnglishDirty Dancing
EnglishHomeland Insecurity
EnglishThyroid hemiagenesis
EnglishLeadership collaboration during health reform: an action learning approach with an interagency group of executives in Tasmania
EnglishBullying in the Australian medical workforce: crosssectional data from an Australian e-Cohort study
EnglishBon Artiste
EnglishBiology is Technology: The Promise, Peril, and New Business of Engineering Life
EnglishEffect of a chronic disease management service for patients with diabetes on hospitalisation and acute care costs
EnglishCrazy Days
EnglishBreaking up is hard to do: why disinvestment in medical technology is harder than investment
EnglishBilateral congenital lacrimal fistulae: A case report
EnglishBeyond the PRISON BUBBLE
EnglishWho Do You Love?
EnglishIs routine analysis of pediatric tonsillectomy specimens worth the money?
EnglishEverything Is Free Now
EnglishConsider a Correctional Response Team
EnglishCommand & Control Meets the Millennials
EnglishSuccessfully reforming orthopaedic outpatients
EnglishCoy Wolves
EnglishDo We Need Pandas? The Uncomfortable Truth about Biodiversity
EnglishMaking Your Dreams Come True
EnglishA Brush of Dissent
EnglishDiscover Corrections: Extraordinary Choices, Extraordinary Rewards
EnglishAddressing the workplace needs of Western Australian midwives: a Delphi study
EnglishHuman Rights: The Commons and the Collective Book Review
EnglishDeveloping Standards, Ensuring Continuity
EnglishWho'll Be in Charge?
EnglishReview of the Book "Magnetooptical Spectroscopy of the Rare-Earth Compounds: Development and Application"
EnglishAn evaluation framework for non-medical prescribing research
English5 Tactical Approaches for Recruiting
EnglishDo smoke-free environment policies reduce smoking on hospital grounds? Evaluation of a smoke-free health service policy at two Sydney hospitals
EnglishDiffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the nasopharynx
EnglishCoordination of care in Australian mental health policy
EnglishBicycle Diaries
EnglishThe End of Growth: Adapting to Our New Economic Reality
EnglishReady to Change Your Life?
EnglishUnderstanding Corrections through the APEX Lens

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