Monday April 1, 2013
LanguageArticle title
EnglishThe Flip Side of Justice: The Two-Faced Spirit of The Dark Knight
EnglishFlorestan (from Conversations over Stolen Food)
English(Dys)Function in the Moors: Everyone's a Villain in Wuthering Heights
PortugueseHisterídeos (Staphyliniformia: Coleoptera: Histeridae) dos Campos Gerais, Paraná, Brasil/Histerid beetles (Staphyliniformia: Coleoptera: Histeridae) from Campos Gerais, Paraná, Brazil
PortugueseAssembleia de aves na área urbana do município de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil/Bird assemblages in the urban area in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
EnglishAssemblage of fish species associated with aquatic macrophytes in Porto Murtinho Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil/Assembleia de espécies de peixes associadas com macrófitas aquáticas no Pantanal de Porto Murtinho, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil
EnglishBats in forest remnants of the Cerrado savanna of eastern Mato Grosso, Brazil/Morcegos em remanescentes florestais de Cerrado do leste de Mato Grosso, Brasil
EnglishTree mortality, recruitment and growth in a bamboo dominated forest fragment in southwestern Amazonia, Brazil/Mortalidade, recrutamento e crescimento arbóreo em um fragmento florestal dominado por bambu no sudoeste da Amazônia, Brasil
EnglishFish fauna of Floresta Nacional de Ipanema, São Paulo State, Brazil/A ictiofauna da Floresta Nacional de Ipanema, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil
EnglishA commented list of Scaphopoda (Mollusca) found along the Brazilian coast, with two new synonymies in the genus Gadila Gray, 1847/Lista comentada dos Scaphopoda (Mollusca) encontrados ao longo da costa Brasileira, com duas novas sinonímias no gênero Gadila Gray, 1847
PortugueseMorcegos em área de Floresta Montana, Visconde de Mauá, Resende, Rio de Janeiro/Bats from a Montane Forest, Visconde de Mauá, Resende, Rio de Janeiro
EnglishInfluence of camera-trap sampling design on mammal species capture rates and community structures in southeastern Brazil/Influência do desenho amostral na taxa de captura e na estrutura da comunidade de mamíferos registrada a partir de armadilhas fotográficas no sudeste do Brasil
PortugueseSapindaceae do noroeste paulista: lista de espécies e chave de identificação baseada em caracteres vegetativos/Sapindaceae from northwestern region of the State of São Paulo: species list and identification key based on vegetative characters
SpanishEl discurso emocional en la publicidad audiovisual de la DGT/The Emotional Speech on Audiovisual Advertising of DGT
SpanishDiseño de un sistema interactivo orientado al usuario del museo/Design of an Interactive System Museum-User Oriented
EnglishWhose voice are we?
SpanishLos congresos en la actual sociedad del conocimiento/Conferences in Today Knowledge Society
SpanishUn especial verdaderamente extraordinario, necesario, divulgativo y oportuno
EnglishMore than just giving
SpanishDe series españolas de éxito a producciones audiovisuales transmediáticas. Análisis de Águila Roja, El Barco y Amar en tiempos revueltos/From Spanish tv series to audiovisual transmedia productions. Analysis of Aguila Roja, El Barco and Amar en tiempos revueltos
EnglishUnbroken Spirit: A Heroic Story of Faith, Courage and Survival
EnglishWho will survive? On bodies and boundaries after the apocalypse
EnglishFDR and the Jews
SpanishLas Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación como vehículo de innovación y emprendimiento en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior: una propuesta docente basada en la comunicación digital/Information and Communications Technologies as a Vehicle for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the European Higher Education Area: a Teaching Proposal Based on Digital Communication
SpanishAnalizando la elección presidencial del 2012 desde la perspectiva de la agenda setting en la prensa de Monterrey/Analyzing the Presidential Election of 2012 from the Perspective of Agenda Setting in Monterrey Press
EnglishChristian ethics for non-academics
EnglishUniversity Communication Departments. Analysis of the Situation in Spain/Los departamentos de comunicación en las universidades. Análisis de la situación en España
EnglishGod, Jews and the Media: Religion and Israel's Media
SpanishTradición e innovación en la comunicación social: la experiencia inicial de Televisión Española/Tradition and Innovation in Social Communication: The Initial Experience of Spanish Television (TVE)
Spanish¿Revistas 2.0? Revistas científicas españolas del área de Comunicación en las redes sociales1/Journals 2.0? Communication Area Spanish Academic Journals in Social Networking Sites
EnglishThe gift of giving ... a kidney
SpanishEl relato interactivo como herramienta docente en los estudios de comunicación/Using the Interactive Story in Studies of Communication Sciences
EnglishRe-thinking Wellness: A Feminist Approach to Health and Fitness
SpanishUniversidad, sociedad y networking: perspectivas ante el uso de las redes sociales de perfil académico profesional/University, Society and Networking: Perspectives on the Use of Academic Professional Social Networks
EnglishBuilding bridges through 'double understanding'
EnglishInsights from the parables of Jesus
EnglishThe Clash of Civil Religions: A Paradigm for Understanding Israeli Politics
SpanishFactores de elección de carreras de Ciencias de la Comunicación en España: el peso de la ética/Factors Career Choices of Communication Sciences in Spain: the Weight of Ethics
SpanishLa imagen del protocolo a través de la prensa española/The Protocol's Image Through the Spanish Press
EnglishResurgent Antisemitism: Global Perspectives
EnglishThe Search for Identity in Black British Women's Drama: An Analysis of Jackie Kay's Chiaroscuro and Winsome Pinnock's Talking in Tongues
SpanishFormación permanente en la docencia: Necesidad de aprendizaje de técnicas de comunicación interpersonal para aplicar en el aula/Permanent learning in teaching: Need for Learning Interpersonal Communication Skills to Apply in the Classroom
EnglishMessage from the Editor
EnglishFiction Reading Strategies of College Readers
English'Where the church thinks'
Spanish¿Son invisibles las mujeres científicas?1/Are the Scientific Women Invisible?
SpanishEl papel de la clase teórica en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior/The Role of the Theoretical Class in the European Higher Education Area
SpanishEl ciberespacio y la educación: ¿una pedagogía de la rentabilidad? Debilidades y fortalezas/The Cyberspace and the Education. A Pedagogy of the Profitability? Weaknesses and Strengths
English'What God is doing in our midst'
EnglishBogale Kebede: Apostle to the Kaffa
EnglishAfrica Ve'Israel, Yehudiut Vetahapuhot Be'Yehase Hutz shel Israel
Spanish¿Perfiles profesionales 2.0? Una aproximación a la correlación entre la demanda laboral y la formación universitaria/Professional Profiles 2.0? An Approach to the Correlation between the Labour Demand and the University Education
SpanishLa aplicación del método AICLE en los estudios de comunicación de la Universidad de Vic/The application of CLIL in the media studies of the University of Vic
SpanishEl aprendizaje servicio universitario: materializando el compromiso social de la universidad desde una educación basada en la excelencia/University Service Learning: Materializing Social Commitment of the University from an Education Based on Excellence
EnglishHistorical group expands vision, improves facilities
EnglishThe Eichmann Trial
EnglishMessages are Everywhere: Reading Perceptions, Habits, and Preferences of Undergraduates
EnglishWhat will you do for love?
English'Let's talk to each other'
SpanishEl Think Different de las clases magistrales/Think Different About Your Lectures
SpanishNarrativa publicitaria en la webradio. El esfuerzo de los anunciantes para sobrevivir/Advertising in the Narrative Webradio. Advertisers Effort to Survive
SpanishLa influencia visual de IBM en las primeras cabeceras de revistas españolas de informática para usuarios/The Visual Impact of IBM in the Earliest Spanish Magazines Headers in Computing for Final Users
SpanishFundamentos psicosociales de la reputación online: Propuesta de un modelo y un caso de análisis/Psychosocial Basis of the Online Reputation: a Proposal for a Model and a Case Study
EnglishTen Thousand Villages to close stores, cut staff
SpanishEl concepto de estilema de autor en el cine: los casos de Steven Speilberg, John McTiernan y Clint Eastwood/The Concept of Styleme of Author in Cinema: the Case of Steven Speilberg, John McTiernan and Clint Eastwood
Spanish¿Los conocimientos criminológicos modulan la actitud punitiva?/Can Criminological Knowledge Modulate Punitive Attitude?
EnglishA Contextualized Curricular Supplement for Developmental Reading and Writing
SpanishNeuropublicidad gráfica. Innovador método analítico del proceso comunicativo de la publicidad visual/Neuroadvertising Graphics. Innovative Process Analytical Method Communicative Visual Advertising
EnglishLove your office administrator
EnglishChildren of imprisoned parents speak out
EnglishA beat to think about
SpanishLa utópica protección del código PEGI/The Utopian Protection of the PEGI Code
EnglishA victim's voice: Wilma Derksen
EnglishEmbracing the orphan at home
EnglishBohaterowie, Hochsztaplerzy, Opisywacze, Wokol Zydowskiego Zwiqzku Wojskowego
SpanishLaboratorio de comunicación estratégica para el empleo. Análisis de años de experiencias desde el Servicio de Empleo de la Universidad de Alicante/Strategic Communication Laboratory for Employment. Analysis of 16 years of Experiences from the Employment Service of the University of Alicante
EnglishRevised edition of The Amish released
EnglishSaturday People, Sunday People: Israel through the Eyes of a Christian Sojourner
EnglishBody Talk: Reconsidering the Post-Feminist Discourse and Critical Reception of Lena Dunham's Girls
SpanishLa gestión de la información en materia comunicativa. Una propuesta metodológica para la aplicación de las redes sociales/Managing the Communication in Information. A Methodological Proposal for Social Network Application
EnglishThe Young Turks' Crime Against Humanity. The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire
EnglishFrom Ambivalence to Betrayal: The Left, the Jews, and Israel
EnglishMetzger challenges church on climate change
EnglishEvangelical Anti-Zionism as an Adaptive Response to Shifts in American Cultural Attitudes
SpanishLa comunicación como instrumento de la diplomacia pública/Communication as an instrument of Public Diplomacy

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