Sunday September 1, 2013
LanguageArticle title
EnglishNew Award to Honor Retired President
EnglishDementia - An 'Old' Disorder with New Perspectives
EnglishFinal Weeks
Englishcolleague compilation
EnglishFrom "One of the Guys" to "The Man"
EnglishWould Christ Use a Smartphone?
EnglishNew Proposals for a 21st Century E-Rate Program
EnglishStudy of Lipids, Insulin Metabolism, and Paraoxonase-2-311 Polymorphism in Patients with Different Subtypes of Alzheimer's Disease (translated version)
EnglishMedial canal fibrosis
EnglishPractical applications of in-office fiberoptic transnasal esophagoscopy in the initial evaluation of patients with squamous cell cancer of the head and neck
EnglishFeatures of sequential CT and US-guided biopsy in recurrent Kikuchi disease of the neck: A case report
EnglishProgressive blindness caused by an unusual sphenoid sinus dehiscence
EnglishCorrection of the severely deviated septum: Extracorporeal septoplasty
EnglishLarynx: Nodules and polyps
EnglishHemangiopericytoma of the parapharyngeal space
EnglishParaganglioma presenting as cholesterol granuloma of the petrous apex
EnglishHow closely related are allergic rhinitis, asthma, and chronic sinusitis?
EnglishIn vivo relationship between the clinical epicondylar axis and the anterior pelvic plane in normal subjects
EnglishA new method of lung sounds filtering using modulated least mean square-Adaptive noise cancellation
EnglishLibrary 2.0: Perception, Knowledge and Reception among Information Professionals at Covenant University Library
EnglishDetention in a Peruvian Amazon Village
EnglishInvoluntary muscle spasm expressed as motor evoked potential after olfactory mucosa autograft in patients with chronic spinal cord injury and complete paraplegia
EnglishThat Simple Act of Praise
EnglishRobust Cubic-Based 3-D Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks
EnglishWho Is Robert C. Prescott?
EnglishThe Relationship between Salinity and Bacterioplankton in Three Relic Coastal Ponds (Macchiatonda Wetland, Italy)
EnglishIntegrated Future Needs and Climate Change on the River Niger Water Availability
EnglishAJA SALUTES THE 13TH NATIONAL: Jail Leadership Command Academy Class
EnglishProspects for Minimizing the Potential Environmental Impacts of the Hydro-Agricultural Dam of M'Bahiakro (Côte d'Ivoire)
EnglishAntioxidant potentials of various solvent extracts from stem bark of Enantia chlorantha
EnglishSerum Levels of Matrix Metalloproteinases 2 and 9 in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction
EnglishMacromolecular inhibitors of malarial cysteine proteases-An invited review
EnglishIonizing Radiation Induces Senescence and Differentiation of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells
EnglishDrinking Water as Iron Carrier for the Prevention of Iron Deficiency Anemia: The Brazilian Experience
EnglishImmunodominant Semen Proteins II: Contribution of Seminal Proteins to Female Immune Infertility
EnglishGroundwater Annual Dynamics in the Basins of Woro and Chago (Eastern Niger) as Affected by Seasonal Variability and Anthropic Activities
EnglishFatty Acids Composition and Biodiesel Characterization of Dunaliella salina
EnglishGetting Here
EnglishPlasma cytokine profiles following subcutaneous implantation of titanium in mice
EnglishAnalysis for stress environment in the alveolar sac model
English10 Must-See's
EnglishWell Done, My Good and Faithful Servant
Englishletters to the editor
EnglishHistological Evaluation of the Role of Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs in Inducing Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Adult Male Albino Rats (Light and Electron Microscopic Study)
EnglishDallas-Big things happen here!
EnglishIN THE Company of Heroes
EnglishA Salute to Our Nation's Correctional Officers
EnglishHONORING Correctional Staff 2013
EnglishBoron Removal by Electrocoagulation Using Full Factorial Design
EnglishMotivating Inmates To Be Productive
EnglishAortic endovascular repair modeling using the finite element method
EnglishCatch Someone Doing Something Right
EnglishSophisticated System Tracks Repeat Offenders
EnglishThe Association of the COPD Assessment Test (Cat) Score with Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) Grade among Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Outpatients in the North East of Peninsular Malaysia
EnglishCell-Brewed Alcohol, Cranial Nerve Palsies, and Descending Paralysis: Botulism-A Medical Emergency
EnglishNovel imaging system for positioning of the indocyanine green (ICG) target; visible projection of the near-infrared fluorescence image
Englishboard profile: Darren Long
EnglishCo-Processing Sewage Sludge in Cement Kiln in China
EnglishOptimization Method to Determine Gross Alpha-Beta in Water Samples Using Liquid Scintillation Counter
EnglishRHOA, SEMA3B, and CKAP2 Expression in Leukaemia of Different Types: the Results of a Pilot Experiment
EnglishVitamin D status of apparently healthy early adolescents in Amravati City of Maharashtra, India
EnglishKnowledge and Perception of Noise Induced Health Hazards Associated with Generator Use in Selected Commercial Areas in Ibadan, Nigeria
EnglishAn Ecological Assessment of the Pollution Status of the Danube River Basin in the Galati Region-Romania
EnglishAn Assessment of Corruption in the Public Sector in Nigeria: A Study of Akure South Local Government Area, Ondo State
EnglishThe Reconstruction of the Balanced Scorecard in Chinese Local Governments: Correction Model Based on Service-Oriented Government Strategic Goals
English, TurkishAkut Asil tendon yirtiklarinin Lynn yöntemi ile tamiri/Repair of acute Achilles tendon ruptures using Lynn method
EnglishProblems of SNS E-Commerce Development in China and Countermeasures
EnglishResearch on the Scenarios and Scenario Evolution of Unconventional Emergency Management
English, TurkishContribution of spiral artery blood flow changes assessed by transvaginal color Doppler sonography for predicting endometrial pathologies/Endometrial patolojileri öngörmede transvajinal renkli Doppler ultrasonografi ile belirlenen spiral arter akim degisikliklerinin katkisi
EnglishTraditional Knowledge in Explanation Object of Declaration of Intention on Commercial Paper and Reflection
EnglishChallenges of Single Ordained Women Ministers in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana
EnglishCaretakers' Perception towards Using Zinc to Treat Childhood Diarrhoea in Rural Western Kenya
English, TurkishProvidencia stuartii moleküler tiplemesi için pulsed-field jel elektroforezinin optimizasyonu/Optimization of the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis for molecular typing of Providencia stuartii
EnglishOne-Dimensional Modeling of Sedimentation Impacts for the Mississippi River at the West Bay Diversion
English, TurkishComparison of the depth of anesthesia in sevoflurane and halothane anesthesia with bispectral index and 95% spectral edge frequency/Bispektral indeks ve %95 spektral edge frekans ile halotan ve sevofluran anestezi derinliklerinin karsilastirilmasi
EnglishComplementarity of Systemic Functional Grammar and Constructional Grammar
EnglishGrowth and yield enhancement of Triticum aestivum L. by rhizobacteria isolated from agronomic plants
EnglishFood Insecurity and Its Sociodemographic Correlates among Afghan Immigrants in Iran
EnglishDistribution of Vibrio species in Shellfish and Water Samples Collected from the Atlantic Coastline of South-East Nigeria
EnglishCamelina sativa, a climate proof crop, has high nutritive value and multiple-uses: a review
English, TurkishPosterior blefaritli hastalarda topikal siklosporin A tedavisinin gözyasi film instabilitesine etkisi/The effect of topical cyclosporine A on tear film instability in patients with posterior blepharitis
EnglishCharacterization of Extended-spectrum [Beta]-lactamase-producing Clinical Isolates of Shigella flexneri
EnglishExpression analysis of proline metabolism-related genes in salt-tolerant soybean mutant plants
EnglishInheritance of resistance to Bangalore race of Fusarium wilt disease in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.)
English, TurkishSingle-port laparoscopic left colectomy for colo-colonic intussusception caused by giant lipoma/Dev lipomun neden oldugu kolo-kolonik invajinasyon için tek port laparoskopik sol kolektomi

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