Tuesday April 1, 2014
LanguageArticle title
EnglishDas Ritual der Astu (CTH 490): Rekonstruktion und Tradition eines hurritisch-hethitischen Rituals aus Bogazköy/Hattusa
EnglishMammonymy, Matemal-Line Names, and Cultural Identification: Clues from the Onomasticon of Hellenistic Uruk
EnglishSchool-based youth health nurses and adolescent decision-making concerning reproductive and sexual health advice: How can the law guide healthcare practitioners in this context?
EnglishFood and Foodways of Medieval Cairenes: Aspects of Life in an Islamic Metropolis of the Eastern Mediterranean
EnglishHearing, listening, action: Enhancing nursing practice through aural awareness education
EnglishAncient Memphis: 'Enduring is the Perfection'. Proceedings of the International Conference Held at Macquarie University, Sydney in August 14-15, 2008
EnglishThe Early Iconography of Avalokitesvara. L'Iconographie ancienne d'Avalokitesvara
EnglishInterruptions and medication: Is 'Do not disturb' the answer?
EnglishIdentifying mental health nursing research priorities: A Delphi study
EnglishAspekte des Menschseins im Alten Mesopotamien: Eine Studie zu Person und Identität im 2. und 1
EnglishThe Furniture from Tumulus MM: The Gordion Wooden Objects
EnglishThe Authority and Authorization of the Torah in the Persian Period
EnglishSocial networking for nurse education: Possibilities, perils and pitfalls
EnglishMelacak Sejarah Kuno Indonesia (Tracing Ancient Indonesian History through Inscriptions)
EnglishThe nursing profession in Southern Jordan - Challenges and recommendations for improvement
EnglishJudah and the Judeans in the Achaemenid Period: Negotiating Identity in an International Context
EnglishThe Passion of Max von Oppenheim: Archaeology and Intrigue in the Middle East from Wilhelm II to Hitler
EnglishCommunicating with assistive listening devices and age-related hearing loss: Perceptions of older Australians
EnglishThe Phoenician Diaspora: Epigraphic and Historical Studies
EnglishA sudden death on clinical placement: A student's perspective of nurse grief
EnglishCan a brief educational intervention improve sleep and anxiety outcomes for emergency orthopaedic surgical patients?
EnglishSuksmagama I: Chapters 1-13/Suksmagama II: Chapters 14-53
EnglishArtisan Entrepreneurs in Cairo and Early-Modern Capitalism (1600-1800)
EnglishInvestigating the effects of a family-centered care program on stroke patients' adherence to their therapeutic regimens
EnglishMagha, Mahabharata, and Bhagavata: The Source and Legacy of the Sisupalavadha
EnglishNurse practitioner work: A case study
EnglishThe Necklace of the Pleiades: 24 Essays on Persian Literature, Culture and Religion. Studies in Persian Literature Presented to Heshmat Moayyad on His 80th Birthday
EnglishThe Scourge of God: The Umman-manda and Its Significance in the First Millennium BC
EnglishStories of management in the future according to young adults and young nurses
EnglishMore than Real: A History of the Imagination in South India
EnglishA patient safety focused registered nurse transition to practice program
EnglishLearning needs of Chinese patients before undergoing elective percutaneous coronary intervention
EnglishAl-Ghazali, Bar Hebraeus, and the "Good Wife"
EnglishUnequal staffing: A snapshot of nurse staffing in critical care units in New South Wales, Australia
EnglishThe Dependence of Manu's Seventh Chapter on Kautilya's Arthasastra
EnglishMentoring: Some cautionary notes for the nursing profession
EnglishEnclosed beyond Alexander's Barrier: On the Comparative Study of 'Abbasid Culture
EnglishIn their own words: The experience of professional nurses in a Northern Vietnamese women's hospital
EnglishAmerican Egyptologist: The Life of James Henry Breasted and the Creation of His Oriental Institute
EnglishChallenging the Reigning Emperor for Success: Hanshan Deqing ... (1546-1623) and Late Ming Court Politics
EnglishBerenike and the Ancient Maritime Spice Route
EnglishMothers' knowledge, health beliefs and intentions to vaccinate their daughters against human papillomavirus in Korea
EnglishEmanations of Grace: Mystical Poems by 'A'ishah al-Ba'uniyah (d. 923/1517)
EnglishCongestive heart failure: Predictors of health-related quality of life in Iranian women
EnglishResearching with young people as participants: Issues in recruitment
EnglishThe People's Cowboy
EnglishThe Passion and the Patience of Eugénio de Andrade
EnglishFuturism and Management
EnglishThe Esthetics of Mystery
EnglishA Look at the Lens
EnglishA Russian Story
EnglishTo Travel Alone: A 1935 Memoir
EnglishConsiderations on the Death of a Dog
EnglishAustralia Ascending: In the Mirror of David Malouf
EnglishBig Trees
EnglishArthur Fonzerelli, Spirit Guide
EnglishThe Galapagos: A Booby Tour
EnglishRose and the Four Sisters of Fate
EnglishThe High Caul Cap
EnglishBEFORE 1901
EnglishThe Bach Suites
EnglishI Am the Beggar of the World
EnglishThe Road to Emmaus
EnglishLa Rebelle
English, RomanianPM.8.7. Stenturile ureterale migrate sau calcificate - tratament minim-invaziv/Migrated and calcified ureteral stents - minimally invasive approach
English, RomanianPM.8.4. Corelatii clinico-patologice în rejetul cronic umoral al grefei renale/Clinical and histological correlations in chronic humoral rejection of renal allograft
English, RomanianPM.8.5. Montarea stentului ureteral dublu J - o interventie simpla sau complicata?/Placing an ureteral double J stent - a simple or a complex intervention?
English, RomanianV.1.7. Nefroureterectomia laparoscopica în tuberculoza renala/Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy for renal tuberculosis
English, RomanianPM.9.1. Experienta generala în chirurgia urologica asistata robotic/Overall experience in robot-assisted urologic surgery
English, RomanianV.2.1. Cura Chirurgicala a fistulei vezico-vaginale prin abord transvezical/Repairing the vesicovaginal fistula by a suprapubic transvesical approach
English, RomanianPM.1.1. Preventia durerii cu Naproxen în extragerea cateterelor ureterale autostatice/Two Doses of Naproxen Prevents Ureteric Stent Removal Pain
English, RomanianPM.2.9. Prevalenta hipogonadismului la pacientii cu hiperplazie benigna de prostata/Prevalence of hypogonadism in pacients with benign hyperplasia
English, RomanianPM.1.6. SWL versus Litotritie Laser Ho:YAG în litiaza renala/ESWL versus Ho:YAG laser lithotripsy in kidney stones
English, RomanianPM.3.7. O evaluare prospectiva a rezultatelor functionale si a calitatii vietii la pacientii post-RALP/A prospective evaluation of functional outcomes and health-related quality of life in RALP patients
English, RomanianPM.4.7. Dificultati în abordul chirurgical al neoplasmului vezical invaziv la un pacient multiplu operat/Difficulties in the muscle-invasive surgical approach of bladder cancer in a patient operated multiple times
English, RomanianV.3.5. "Nephron sparing surgery" pentru tumorile renale/"Nephron sparing surgery" for localized renal tumors
English, RomanianPM.9.3. Rezultate ale tratatmentului laparoscopic retroperitoneal în patologia urologica/Laparoscopic retroperitoneal access. Results following 60 cases
English, RomanianV.2.4. Exenteratie pelvina anterioara cu exereza peretelui vaginal anterior/Anterior pelvectomy with anterior vagina wall excision
English, RomanianPM.7.9. Nefrostomia percutanata în urgenta în patologia tumorala cu rasunet asupra caii urinare superioare/Emergency percutaneous nephrostomy in tumor pathology with secondary upper urinary tract involvement
English, RomanianPM.2.5. Vaporizarea fotoselectiva a prostatei utilizând Green Light Laser XPS. Experienta initiala/Photoselective vaporization of the prostate using the Green Light Laser XPS. Initial experience

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