Tuesday July 1, 2014
LanguageArticle title
SpanishLas eRúbricas ante la evaluación de competencias transversales en Educación Superior1/Using eRúbricas for assessing transversal competences in Higher Education
SpanishLos Programas Universitarios de Mayores y su contribución al aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida/The University Programmes for Senior Citizens and their contribution to lifelong learning
SpanishInforme estadístico anual del proceso editorial de la
Spanish"Sociedad-Educación". Investigación bibliográfica/"Society-Education". Bibliographical research
SpanishImplementación de un programa de mediación escolar: Análisis de las dificultades percibidas y propuestas de mejora1/Implementation of a school mediation program: analyzing the perceived difficulties and ways to improve it
EnglishTalk More Sustainment, Less Tactics With Afghan Forces
SpanishLectura de producciones audiovisuales del arte contemporáneo en la educación artística1/Reading of audiovisual productions of contemporary art in art education
SpanishEl arte de dar clases. Experiencias de los autores de libros de memorias
EnglishApaches and Afghan Gunnery Computers
EnglishLeading employees through major organizational change
EnglishLeveraging Intelligence in the Division Artillery
EnglishTHE IVEY INTERVIEW: Nasir Shansab
EnglishFans in CS? Ideal lighting for visual inspections?
EnglishAwakening the King
EnglishNew Technology
EnglishCertification moves to center stage for Central Service technicians
EnglishWhat's Different About Today?
SpanishLa memoria histórica en los libros de texto escolares/Historical memory in school textbooks
EnglishDressed to suppress infectious hazards
EnglishSystems disparity: The implications of data proliferation on business decisions
EnglishDifferential expression of antioxidant proteins in the drought-tolerant cyanobacterium Nostoc flagelliforme under desiccation
EnglishNavigating through the great freight debate
EnglishResearch on Mapping and Reconstitution of Non-manifold Polyhedral for Automated Design Computing
EnglishAdding splash to electronic dashboards
EnglishIdentification of TRAP and SRAP markers linked with yield components under drought stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
EnglishA Warhorse Joint Fires Observer
EnglishResearch on Distributed Gas Detection Based on Hollow-core Photonic Crystal Fiber
EnglishFDA issues GUDID Guidance
SpanishSegregaciones y construcción de la diferencia en la escuela
EnglishThe Insurgents: David Petraeus and the Plot to Change the American Way of War1
EnglishBig data and analytics: Go big or go home
SpanishNuevas inteligencias, nuevos aprendizajes
SpanishCalibración de instrumentos de evaluación - clasificación en matemáticas en la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano1/Calibration of assessment instruments - classification in mathematics at the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano
EnglishJoint Fires Interoperability
English"JAG Corps Couples": A Short History of Married Lawyers in the Corps
EnglishTeaching executives the ancient art of persuasion
EnglishFires Bids Farewell to Print
EnglishThe Evolution of Fires Expansion in Afghanistan
EnglishEligibility for VA Disability Compensation and Health Care Benefits for Army National Guardsmen Discharged with an Other Than Honorable Discharge
EnglishDefine quality - and then enforce the equation
EnglishClosing the Gap in Access to Military Health Care Records: Mandating Civilian Compliance with the Military Command Exception to the HIPAA Privacy Rule
EnglishLean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead1
EnglishEnhancing Fires with Next-Generation Narrowband SATCOM
EnglishJoint Counter Low, Slow, Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Test
EnglishFire Support Conversion BCT 2020
EnglishFederal pain research database launched
SpanishLa mediación escolar en los planes y programas institucionales de convivencia en España/School mediation in institutional plans and programmes of school coexistence in Spain
SpanishLa evaluación del proyecto SOU-estuTUtor: percepción de los mentores1/Project evaluation SOU-estuTUtor: mentors' perception
EnglishStandards: Can you handle it?
EnglishStriving for status quo from status woe on supply data standards
EnglishStudies show following scope reprocessing guidelines may not be enough
EnglishCurrent Materials of Interest
EnglishSend for a Superhero!
EnglishSaving Kabul Corner
EnglishSpace Taxi: Archie Takes Flight
EnglishTwo Girls Staring at the Ceiling
EnglishCandace Fleming on The Family Romanov
EnglishA Song for Bijou
EnglishMy Teacher Is a Monster! (No, I Am Not.)
EnglishObituaries: Kate Duke
EnglishTyrannosaurus Wrecks!
EnglishCathleen Daly on Emily's Blue Period
EnglishMoon at Nine
EnglishEmily's Blue Period
EnglishIda M. Tarbell: The Woman Who Challenged Big Business-and Won!
EnglishNewbery 2014
EnglishLittle Roja Riding Hood
EnglishConsidering the Caldecott, or: Can Twelve Books Win? No.
EnglishJust Call My Name
EnglishBryan Collier
EnglishThe Day I Lost My Superpowers
EnglishSay What You Will
EnglishRita Williams-Garcia: Being Eleven
EnglishA Death-Struck Year
EnglishAt the Same Moment, Around the World
EnglishAlvin Ho: Allergic to the Great Wall, the Forbidden Palace, and Other Tourist Attractions
EnglishThe Twins' Little Sister
EnglishHannah's Night
EnglishHermelin the Detective Mouse
EnglishPom and Pim
EnglishSkies like These
EnglishBrave Chicken Little
EnglishThe Shadow Hero
English'Freedom Now'
EnglishGaijin: American Prisoner of War
EnglishA Time to Dance

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