Friday July 1, 2011
LanguageArticle title
EnglishThe Role of an Air Force Appropriations Liaison
EnglishTapia syndrome caused by a vertebral artery dissection
FrenchExclusion du chlorure et inclusion du sodium : deux mécanismes concomitants de tolérance à la salinité chez la vigne sauvage Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris (var. 'Séjnène.)/Chloride exclusion and sodium inclusion: two concomitant mechanisms of salt tolerance in Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris (var. 'Séjnène') wild type grapevine
EnglishVisual Fields at Presentation and after Trans-sphenoidal Resection of Pituitary Adenomas
EnglishUncoupling protein 2 regulates myocardial apoptosis via the diabetogenic action of streptozotocin
FrenchLe noisetier d'Afrique (Coula edulis Baill.). Un produit forestier non ligneux méconnu/African walnut (Coula edulis Baill.). An unknown non-timber forest product
EnglishRehabilitation and Relocation of Young Hawaiian Monk Seals (Monachus schauinslandi)
EnglishShort-term Outcomes of Collagen Crosslinking for Early Keratoconus
EnglishThe State of the Center and Society - June 30, 2011
EnglishDiet of the Monk Seal (Monachus monachus) in Greek Waters
EnglishManaging in a Fishbowl: Closing Federal Leadership Gaps
EnglishBeethoven, Spirituality, and Spiritualism in 20th-Century England and America
EnglishReflections on the Road to Las Vegas
EnglishGreat Expectations: Beethoven's Twenty-Five Scottish Songs
EnglishReorganization Is a Metaphor for Government Reform
EnglishThe Emergence of an Important Hawaiian Monk Seal (Monachus schauinslandi) Pupping Area at Kalaupapa, Moloka'i, in the Main Hawaiian Islands
EnglishSpontaneous posterior wall external canal cholesteatoma
EnglishType 1 first branchial cleft anomaly: Duplication of the external auditory canal
EnglishReviewing What Works: Evaluating Programs and Tax Expenditures
EnglishCochlear implant fixation using resorbable mesh
EnglishGlaucoma in a Patient with Nanophthalmos
EnglishDeveloping a decision support intervention regarding choice of dialysis modality
EnglishMovements of Mediterranean Monk Seals (Monachus monachus) in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
EnglishContribution of Iran to the Ophthalmic Literature over the Past Three Decades
EnglishBiosensors in forensic sciences/Les biodétecteurs en sciences forensiques
EnglishTreatment of leg cramps in patients with chronic kidney disease receiving hemodialysis
EnglishHawaiian Monk Seals (Monachus schauinslandi) at Kure Atoll: Some Life History Effects Following Effort to Enhance Pup Survival
EnglishPredictive modelling of the combined effect of temperature and water activity on the in vitro growth of Erwinia spp. infecting potato tubers in Belgium/Modélisation prédictive de l'effet combiné de la température et de l'activité de l'eau sur la croissance in vitro d'Erwinia spp. infectant les tubercules de pomme de terre en Belgique
EnglishThe First Edition of the Instrumental Parts of the Ninth Symphony, "Ode to Joy" Opus 125
EnglishTuberculous Orbital Abscess Associated with Thyroid Tuberculosis
EnglishPopulation Genetics of the Monk Seals (Genus Monachus): A Review
EnglishTort reform: Federal impetus for change
EnglishMediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus): Fishery Interactions in the Archipelago of Madeira
EnglishEnvisioning Sustainable Communities
EnglishNon-endoscopic Mechanical Endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy
EnglishVirtual Reorganization: Service Delivery and Function Sharing
EnglishFirst Bite: Food Safety Gets Collaborative
EnglishState Fiscal Panels Can't Cure the Budget Blues
EnglishEar ceruminous adenoma
EnglishCulture, Conservation, and Conflict: Assessing the Human Dimensions of Hawaiian Monk Seal Recovery
EnglishSpring Issue Correction
EnglishThyroidectomy for goiter relieves obstructive sleep apnea: Results of 8 cases
EnglishCollagen Crosslinking for Keratoconus
EnglishGreen philanthropy
EnglishJust a Reminder: Don't Ignore Congress
EnglishTaking Care of Business: The VA Commits to Training
EnglishMeningioma mimicking vestibular schwannoma
EnglishAdjunctive Local Application of Lidocaine during Scleral Buckling under General Anesthesia
EnglishEvaluation of the Captive Care and Post-Release Behavior and Survival of Seven Juvenile Female Hawaiian Monk Seals (Monachus schauinslandi)
FrenchProduction potentielle de bioéthanol, de biométhane et de pellets à partir des déchets de biomasse lignocellulosique du bananier (Musa spp.) au Cameroun/Potential production of bioethanol, biomethane and wood pellets from lignocellulosic biomass wastes of the banana plant (Musa spp.) in Cameroon
EnglishMetabolic Demands of a Tropical Marine Carnivore, the Hawaiian Monk Seal (Monachus schauinslandi): Implications for Fisheries Competition
EnglishDo It Right: Focus on the Power and the Purpose
EnglishThickness Effect of Micro Speaker Copper Coil Fabrication Process
EnglishDesign, Simulation and Analysis of Cantilever Sensor for in- Vitro LDL Detection
EnglishImprovement on the Lifetime of the WSN Using Energy Efficiency Saving of Leach Protocol (New Improved LEACH)
EnglishApplication of Swarm Intelligence Based Routingprotocols for Wireless Adhoc Sensor Network
EnglishWhy WE ARE HERE
EnglishDesign and Analysis of a SAW Gas Sensor Based LF RFID Tag in 0.18 um CMOS Process
EnglishCalibration Model for Industrial Load Cells
EnglishCalendar of EVENTS
EnglishA New Shape Memory Alloy Based Smart Encoder for Sensing of Direction and Angular Motion
EnglishIN MEMORIAM: MaryAnn Miller
EnglishEmpowerment and Job Satisfaction in Associate Degree Nurse Educators
EnglishIN MEMORIAM: Luther P. Christman
EnglishIN MEMORIAM: Margaret A. Hermann
EnglishWriting for Publication in Nursing (2nd ed.)
EnglishIntegrating Cooperative Learning into Classroom Testing: Implications for Nursing Education and Practice
EnglishA To-Do List for Beginning the New Academic Year
EnglishFaculty NOTES
EnglishBECOMING a Nursing Faculty Leader
EnglishExtending Coverage and Lifetime of K-coverage Wireless Sensor Networks Using Improved Harmony Search
EnglishEmbrace History and Become a Leader of Change
EnglishWHAT DO WE KNOW About Educating Asian ESL Nursing Students? A Literature Review
EnglishAdvancing Care Excellence for Seniors (ACES): Resources and Teaching Tools to Use in Prelicensure Nursing Curricula
EnglishTheory and Research for Academic Nurse Educators: Application to Practice
EnglishIMPLEMENTING a Multidisciplinary Disaster Simulation for Undergraduate Nursing Students
EnglishEVALUATING THE IMPACT of Scenario-Based High-Fidelity Patient Simulation on Academic Metrics of Student Success
EnglishFaculty MATTERS
EnglishAre You Computing in the Clouds? Understanding Cloud Computing
EnglishResource CENTER
EnglishTHE IMPACT of a Simulation Lab Experience for Nursing Students
EnglishPARTNERS IN NURSING: A Mentoring Initiative to Enhance Nurse Retention
EnglishEffects of Rayleigh Fading on Energy Level Performance of Adaptive Power Based WSN

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